Remain Sorted While Being Entangled in the Irony of Life

Remain Sorted While Being Entangled in the Irony of Life

Many things in life are Ironical, Aren’t they? Have you ever experienced anything Ironical? I believe Life is too ironic to be fully understood. Happiness can only be understood when one has experienced sadness; it takes absence of a person to value his presence....

Tips to Fall Asleep Naturally

Tips to Fall Asleep Naturally

Here are ways to fall asleep naturally: 1. Applying oil to the foot soles is one way to induce sleep according to Ayurveda. It grounds the person and also alleviate psychological imbalances since negative emotions can accumulate at the soles of the feet.   2....

Can’t Fall Asleep? This is Why.

Can’t Fall Asleep? This is Why.

Having a hard time falling asleep? Join the club. The National Institute of Health estimates that about 30% of the population has sleeping problems. It is not a surprise with the overwhelming amount of stimulation from phones, television, and constant busyness of the...

Try These 5 Things for the Perfect Morning Routine

Try These 5 Things for the Perfect Morning Routine

How you start off your day sets the mood for the entire day. If you feel rushed and anxious in the morning, that energy will carry on throughout the rest of the day. Similarly, a calm and collected morning can help you get through the inevitable ebbs and flows of your...

5 Tips for Achieving a Good Night’s Rest

5 Tips for Achieving a Good Night’s Rest

We all know that a good night's sleep is important. Not only do we feel better when we are well-rested, but we function better too. In fact, sufficient sleep plays a vital role in our mental, physical, and emotional health- not to mention our general safety and...

How Successful People Make the Most of Their Weekend

How Successful People Make the Most of Their Weekend

With the weekend fast approaching, its time to take a look at how we will spend our time. Though many of us look forward to it all week, are we truly taking the time to make the most out of our weekend? To help move you in the right direction, below is a list of ways...

The Importance of Self-Care: Why You Should Pamper Yourself

The Importance of Self-Care: Why You Should Pamper Yourself

The Importance of Self-Care: Why You Should Pamper Yourself You probably already have a catalog of reasons why you shouldn’t spend time only for yourself:  I have too much on my plate. I don’t deserve a reward. I’m on a diet.  I’m on a budget. And probably the most...

How to Use Emotional Intelligence to Become Your Ideal Self

How to Use Emotional Intelligence to Become Your Ideal Self

Though emotional intelligence does not measure intelligence in the same way that an intelligence quotient (IQ) test does, it can be just as revealing about certain aspects of a person’s personality. Such intelligence can be measured by calculating the ability model,...

Best Ways to Become a Happier Person

Best Ways to Become a Happier Person

There is a popular story circulating about a time when musician John Lennon was a boy and he was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. Instead of answering with the expected firefighter, police officer, or doctor, young Lennon proudly proclaimed,...