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How To Strengthen Your Mental Fitness And Why Should We Do It?
Mental fitness is as necessary as physical fitness. You should not neglect mental health. Including mental exercises in your daily routine can help you reap the benefits of a sharper and healthier mind. Mental fitness is defined as a state of well-being and...

10 Tips For You To Detox Negative Thoughts
Negativity is a part of life. You may experience negative thoughts at one of life or another. It is fine to have them, but if you feed them. They can harm you. They can turn into problems like anxiety and depression. People often ask how to detox your mind from...

Regular Sleep, Healthy Future
Regular Sleep is an important part of your daily life. Adequate sleep is required to maintain optimal health and well-being. Sleep is as important as regular exercise and a balanced diet. It is one of the pillars of your health. Getting regular and optimal sleep every...

The Simple but Effective Power of Affirmations
"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey. Affirmations are part of your life. It is just anything you say with confidence. It is more important to know that...

Importance of Tracking your Mood – How it helps in improving the quality of life
Mental health is the talk of the day. A mood is an affective state which is a mix of feelings and emotions. It can be positive or negative. It is affected by your nutrition intake, hours of sleep, and facial expressions. Your mood affects your personality. Tracking...

Living Naturally with Hypothyroidism
Have you heard someone from your friend's group or family talk about facing a Thyroid issue, Hypothyroidism? Have you been curious about it or are you someone who is suffering from it? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, did you know that this issue...

Maintain A Healthy Weight For A Healthy Being
A healthy weight is a weight that lets you make the most of your life. It's a weight at which you feel lively, live longer, and have a reduced risk of chronic disease. By measuring your BMI, you can check whether you are a healthy weight or not! For a healthy weight,...
Celebrate endings- As they proceed to new beginnings
Welcome to the new year! Are you ready with your hopes, dreams, wishes, and any new-year resolutions you might want to accomplish? With the COVID-19 pandemic still a going concern, some of your traditional New Year's Eve celebrations — the kind that includes crowds...

Enjoy a Stress free Holiday
The holiday season at times carries unwelcome guests — stress and depression. And it's no wonder. The holidays often give a dizzying array of requirements — from cooking meals to shopping, baking, cleaning, and entertaining. And with the current pandemic situation,...

Thanksgiving Every Day
How often in a given day you say Thank you, God. Mostly, it is when we are distressed and in need that we remember God. What about when you wake up in the morning when there's no inspiration for you? Throughout the year, we see God's greatness, love, and blessings in...

Do you know what are BRAIN FOODS?
You might need to make a lifestyle change if you want to manage stress and anxiety effectively. And brain foods can be one of those factors in your lifestyle which can help you do that. Food can be either your biggest allies — or enemies. It can make your stress...

The Power of Law of Attraction
When you impress an idea upon your subconscious mind, it alters the vibration of this instrument we call the body. Our body is a molecular structure, a mass of energy at a very high vibrational speed. And how we use our mind dictates the beat of our existence. And the...

Small Daily Actions Lead To Remarkable Results
Nowadays, we all want outcomes, and we want them now. However, what we surpass is that results often take time to illustrate. Whatever your goals may be, you can achieve success by building your vision brick by brick. It's that simple! If you were to hit the gym...

How To Handle Positive And Negative Emotions
“There is nothing good or bad. But, thinking makes it so.” Have you heard this quote before? That's a very famous line from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. What does this have to do with creating and managing your emotions? Well, everything. Most people think...

Unlock Your Inner Peace With Meditation
Do you think life is a complicated puzzle? It's an interesting analogy that indicates how important placing all the right pieces together is, if you want to see the bigger picture. If I compare life with a Jigsaw puzzle, I could find more resemblance between the two....

Empathy Is Important
Even the smallest act of consideration for another person is like a drop of water falling in a lake. It will make ripples throughout. The act of caring for others is so significant because, when people rely on each other for emotional support, it builds deeper bonds....

Few Amazing Self Help Tips To Overcome Mental Health Issues
Every new day is a new opportunity for you to start fresh. With stress and anxiety overwhelming our lives, mental health concerns are substantially rising, impacting our mood, thought, and behavior. These concerns become mental health disorders or illness when the...

Autism In Kids – Signs, Causes, And Symptoms
1 in 54 kids in the United States are affected by autism today, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Autism is four times more prevalent in boys than in girls. It may occur in people of any nationality, race, or social background. A child's risk of autism is...

Mental Illness and Its Causes
There is a lot of stigmas attached to mental illness. But just like heart disease or diabetes, it is also a medical condition. And mental health conditions are treatable. Mental illnesses are health conditions showing sudden or gradual changes in emotion, thinking, or...

Sleep Well, Be Well
A person sleeps 26 years on an average of 70 years of his lifetime. This activity may not seem so productive, as sleeping takes away the precious hours of potential when you could be getting stuff done. 34% of the adults in America barter the sleeping hours for...

How To Cope With Anxiety
Life is a blend of a little that we experience and mainly how we respond to it. Anxiety is the mind’s reaction to stress or fear of what will happen. Your first day at work, moving to a new place, approaching exams, an interview, public speaking, etc. can trigger...

5 Amazing Ways You Can Color Away Depression
Even though depression is one of the most well-recognized disorders, it is widely stigmatized. In 2016, 16.2 million U.S. adults had at least one major depression episode, estimates the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). That represents approximately 6.7...

10 Signs To Look Out For Your Mental Health
Are you aware that fifty percent of mental illness begins by the age of 14? Yes, in the teenage years. Mental health disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder do not appear "out of the blue." Individuals themselves often start to recognize small changes or...

Take Charge of Your Life
We all want to change at least one thing in our life. But finding the motivation to do so can be challenging. University of California's research showed that a company's motivated workers were 31% more proactive, contributed to 37% more revenue, and were 3 times more...

World Heart Day: Treat Your Heart Right
Preventing heart diseases depends largely on our lifestyle, at least for most of us. Which means it’s in our power to improve our odds of living a long and healthy life. Then too, it is the most leading cause of deaths among both men and women in the United States.1...

Radical Self-Love
We live in an age of trust and collaboration. People are motivated by those who come across as self-reliant and optimistic at each stage and each generation, from the charismatic doctor to the enthusiastic, inspiring speaker or the caring and friendly teacher....

Your Ultimate Guide To Sun Salutations
Yoga is the science of well-being and helps integrate our mind, body and soul. Sun salutation is one such yogic sequence which helps us to live a healthy life. The Sun is our ultimate source of life and energy. And a straightforward way to express our gratitude...

A Guide To Self-Confidence
Craving a freshly baked pizza post-workout is the greatest battle one can have with themselves. It starts with remembering the last time you had a slice or two at your favorite pizza place. But then, remember the calories and all the crunches you are going to have to...

If You Want To Be Happy…
Everyone want to be happy in life. That means working according to your passion, being financially secure, being healthy, and having ample free time to pursue your interests. I'm satisfied with my current state of affairs, and so far, mission accomplished. Happiness...

Daily Practice of Joy
I find this so enthralling: Cortisol is a chemical that tends to flow more freely in your brain and spurs negative thoughts. Your mind loves cortisol. This is the time when joy in your life matters. These experiences are universal and trigger cortisol with a snap-in...

Joy, A Cure for Negative Thoughts
Thousands of years of evolution have taught that human needs are identical. We need security, support, relationships, joy, attitude, and something useful to do with our time. That's true of any person. When you understand that simple fact about life, it forces you to...

Empowering Self
Everyone wants to be happy in life. That means working according to your passion, being financially secure, being healthy, and having ample free time to pursue your interests. I'm satisfied with my current state of affairs, and so thus far, mission accomplished....

Disconnect to Connect- Social Media Detoxification
Do you try to reach out for your phone to check the notifications as soon as you wake up? When you go out for a vacation, are you more concerned about capturing that one perfect picture for Instagram than enjoying it? Do you check your phone just before you are off to...

Laughter is No Laughing Matter!
How wonderful is it that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain Joy! Laughter is an instant vacation. Don't you love people who make you laugh? I do! I honestly think that it is the thing that I like the most - to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills...

Wisdom That Will Change The Way You Work
Wisdom is not a result of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool than to talk and remove doubt. Derivation of the Word Wisdom Many ancient cultures recognized a particular way of being,...

Effective Ways to Control Your Anger Before it Controls You
What is Anger? Why do we feel Angry? Have these questions ever crossed your mind? Anger is an intense emotion that is triggered when you feel frustrated or annoyed by something or someone. An angry person experiences signs like increased heart rate/ increased blood...

I’m Worthy of Love
Self-esteem mirrors your opinion of yourself – how you perceive your abilities, shortcomings, and your own worth. In simple words, it reflects how much you appreciate and like being yourself. There is a reason why Self-esteem, Self-respect, Self-love start with the...

Simple Ways To Handle Stress
You are your best doctor when it comes to detecting and curing stress. It’s a kind of illness that is not visible. Stress is an instinctive and natural character of the human cycle. One can go through stress from your surroundings, your physical structure, and your...

The nature of people determines the quality of their life which indeed is a reflection of their mind and thoughts. To classify yourself as an Optimist or Pessimist, it is important to understand- Whether you see the glass as half empty or half full? How do you...

A human brain is not the most effective memory tool and it only agrees with the arrangements that it knows works. I as a person might forget stuff. It's inevitable. The older and busier we get, the easier it is to forget important things. Sometimes we are surrounded...

An Act of Kindness
We often hear people saying- Be Kind. Kindness is nothing but a deed, no matter how big or small, that brings a difference in the life of others. It is all about being generous and considerate towards others irrespective of whether that person is known or a...

Simple Tips to Self-Care during the COVID Lockdown
Stressing out about what the future holds for you? Constantly worrying about whether things will ever go back to normal? Regularly doubting yourself on whether you are being productive enough in this lockdown? Making plans every day of doing something meaningful but...

Your Guide to Journaling Gratitude
Often it happens that we are so bogged down by everything that is happening in our lives, that we are unable to look at anything in a positive light. Everything seems wrong and out of place. We do not pay attention to the fact that we are more blessed than many others...

Social Distancing: The New Normal
When we hear the word “Social distancing”, the first image that bubbles up in our mind is being in cages, isolation, or halt to a fun-filled life. But it is not like that. It basically requires you to maintain a “physical distance” between yourself and others. You...

Gratitude… The flip side of fear
The world feels like it's been turned upside down overnight during these challenging times of coronavirus pandemic. One can often feel like a black cloud casting a dark shadow over our lives. The feelings of stress and fear make it easy to be thankless towards life....
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