How Does Meditation Reduces Anxiety?

How Does Meditation Reduces Anxiety?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), almost 18.1% of the population aged 18 and above (approx 40 million adults) in the US alone suffers from anxiety disorders each year. Not to mention that anxiety disorders are officially the most...
Try These 5 Things for the Perfect Morning Routine

Try These 5 Things for the Perfect Morning Routine

How you start off your day sets the mood for the entire day. If you feel rushed and anxious in the morning, that energy will carry on throughout the rest of the day. Similarly, a calm and collected morning can help you get through the inevitable ebbs and flows of your...
5 Tips for Achieving a Good Night’s Rest

5 Tips for Achieving a Good Night’s Rest

We all know that a good night’s sleep is important. Not only do we feel better when we are well-rested, but we function better too. In fact, sufficient sleep plays a vital role in our mental, physical, and emotional health- not to mention our general safety and...
5 Ways to Fight the Monday Blues

5 Ways to Fight the Monday Blues

We’ve all felt it. Sunday night, you’re beginning to come down from the joy of your weekend and reality that you have to go back to work the next day is starting to set in. The feeling of stress or anxiety for the upcoming week is known as, “The...