Is Reading Before Bed Good For Your Sleep? Benefits And Tips

Is Reading Before Bed Good For Your Sleep? Benefits And Tips

Just as a healthy diet and exercise is important for humans, so is good sleep. Sleep gives us a break from the responsibilities and stress of day-to-day life. During sleep, the parts of the brain undergo repair and regenerate so that they can undergo normal...

Understanding Mental Fitness And How To Manage It

Understanding Mental Fitness And How To Manage It

Mental fitness is a state of well-being which allows the mind face challenges better. A mentally fit person will be a master of resilience who can adapt and thrive no matter what life throws their way.  BENEFITS OF BEING MENTALLY FIT BEING MORE PRESENT Mental fitness...

Understanding Mood Swings And How To Manage Them

Understanding Mood Swings And How To Manage Them

Mood swings are sudden changes in a person's emotional state as a result of some underlying cause or situation. These are common in both males and females and result from any change in the level of hormones in the brain. Some of the most common reasons why a mood...

Relationship Anxiety: What Is It And How To Heal It?

Relationship Anxiety: What Is It And How To Heal It?

Human existence not only needs basic necessities like air, water and land to survive but we also need healthy interpersonal relationships. A relationship is when two or more people are connected. However, there are many different forms of relationships such as family...

The Power Of Kindness: Simple Approaches To Be Kind

The Power Of Kindness: Simple Approaches To Be Kind

In today’s busy lives, the act of kindness is a much-needed aspect to contribute to positive mental and physical health. Kindness is the quality of being generous and considerate of oneself and others. Kindness means an individual is ready to offer help towards...

How Stress Relief Yoga Can Help Improve Workplace Wellness

How Stress Relief Yoga Can Help Improve Workplace Wellness

It is no secret that taking care of your overall well-being is a necessity. Workplaces have now started to support this notion by taking care of their employees well being. This means prioritizing a peaceful work environment, good interpersonal relationships, and...

The Benefits Of Loving-kindness Meditation

The Benefits Of Loving-kindness Meditation

More of us are finding ways to engage in self loving acts as we learn how beneficial they are to our life. Loving-kindness meditation is a heartscape meditation designed by Jon Kobat Zinn for deep healing of oneself and others. This type of meditation has gained...