The Connection Between Gratitute And Gut Motility

The Connection Between Gratitute And Gut Motility

UNDERSTANDING THE GUT-BRAIN AXIS Those who are suffering from mental disorders like anxiety and depression are often always advised to practice gratitude by their psychologist or counselors. As per definition, gratitude is described as the positive emotion that...

The importance of gut health for fitness

The importance of gut health for fitness

The beneficial bacteria residing in your gut are collectively termed gut microbiota. This group of bacteria plays a crucial role in determining what nutrients your body will absorb from the food. Therefore, gut microbes influence immunological functions, brain health,...

How your digestive health affects your mental health

How your digestive health affects your mental health

TIPS FOR BUILDING A POSITIVE BODY IMAGE Researchers, through many studies, have linked healthy gut function to normal central nervous system function. This explains why a disturbed gut function is responsible for the onset of anxiety and depression in people. The...

The impact of the environment on the microbiome

The impact of the environment on the microbiome

THE IMPACT OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON THE MICROBIOME Similar to the internal environment, our external environment also extensively affects our gut microbiome. The environmental toxicants and pollutants contribute to environmental factors, and they directly or indirectly...

Role of sleep in improving gut microbiome diversity

Role of sleep in improving gut microbiome diversity

Before we explain how sleep can improve gut microbiome diversity, one needs to know about the gut-brain axis and its significance. The gut-brain axis is the bidirectional communication between the central and enteric nervous systems. This connection links the...

 6 obvious ways you could be saving money daily!

 6 obvious ways you could be saving money daily!

Saving money is necessary for anyone who plans on being financially independent. Fortunately, there are many ways to save money every day without feeling like it’s a burden. These strategies will positively affect your life and make you happier, knowing you have a...