10 benefits of meditation: meditation tips and tricks

10 benefits of meditation: meditation tips and tricks

At the core of all of us, we all seek one thing in common. It is the burning urge to be happy, blissful and satisfied in life. Men, women, and even crying infants seek comfort and peace for themselves.  For several years, it has been well-known that meditation is...
How Does Meditation Reduces Anxiety?

How Does Meditation Reduces Anxiety?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), almost 18.1% of the population aged 18 and above (approx 40 million adults) in the US alone suffers from anxiety disorders each year. Not to mention that anxiety disorders are officially the most...
Unlock Your Inner Peace With Meditation

Unlock Your Inner Peace With Meditation

Do you think life is a complicated puzzle? It’s an interesting analogy that indicates how important placing all the right pieces together is, if you want to see the bigger picture. If I compare life with a Jigsaw puzzle, I could find more resemblance between the...
Importance of Yoga

Importance of Yoga

In today’s Technology-driven Era, physical activity has gone minuscule. We have been dominated by machines in every segment of life, whether personal or professional, to ease our chores. Moreover, with changing lifestyle choices and eating habits, people are becoming...