Eating Mindfully: How To Improve Your Relationship With Food

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Mind

Today, more than ever before, people are striving to live healthy lifestyles. But what does this mean? How can you do it? One way to do this is by eating mindfully. Eating mindfully means eating slowly and deliberately, taking time to enjoy your meals rather than scarfing them down in a rush. It also means eating with awareness and mindfulness – which can help improve your relationship with food and your mental well-being. Eating mindfully may help you feel more connected to your body and food and improve your overall eating habits. It can also improve your mental health. Research suggests that regularly practising mindfulness, even during meals, may help reduce stress and improve mood.

Eating Mindfully Can Improve Your Relationship With Food

Eating mindfully is a great way to cultivate an attitude of curiosity and awe toward your food. You’ll be better able to understand what your body needs and why certain foods are healthy for you. Doing this will help you create a healthier relationship with food. Eating mindfully also means you’ll eat as per your body’s requirements. This is important because overeating is a common underlying factor of many weight-related issues. When our focus is less, we eat more because we feel less satisfied. Also, you will find the food tastes better when you are eating mindfully. Mindful eating is all about creating positive associations with food, which leads to eating healthier, tastier, and more nutrient-rich meals.

Why Is Mindful Eating Important?

Eating mindfully is not only a great way to improve your relationship with food, but it’s also a vital part of a daily healthy lifestyle. Eating mindfully makes you more physically and mentally healthy. You’ll experience a greater sense of satisfaction when you eat mindfully. You’ll also be more likely to make healthier food choices, meaning you will eat when you’re hungry, avoid overeating, eat smaller portions, and choose nutrient-rich foods. Eating mindfully can also improve your relationships with others because it makes you more aware of yourself and your choices.

4 Habits of a mindful Eater

  1. Be Present – Be aware of what you eat. Strive not to rush through your meals or talk while eating. 
  2. Slow Down – Eat as slowly as you would while reading a book. When you eat slowly, you’re more likely to be aware of your hunger levels, your fullness levels, and your food’s overall nutritional value. You’re also more likely to appreciate the flavors in your food and feel more satiated after eating.
  3. Chew Your Food – Chewing your food is vital for digestion. It takes longer to digest when you don’t chew well. Eating slower and chewing your food longer can help you chew your food better and consume fewer calories.
  4. Research – Know about your food well. Feel the different tastes, smells, and textures of the food. Research your food and its nutrition. 

8 Benefits of Eating Mindfully

Eating Mindfully
  1. Dietary calcium – A key component of strong bones is calcium. Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones. Researchers at the University of Colorado found that consuming a meal rich in calcium encourages people to consume more in the future. Consuming more calcium during meals can improve your bone health. 
  2. Reduced cortisol – Cortisol is the stress hormone in your body and can negatively affect your mental and physical health. Researchers at the University of Denver said eating a meal rich in antioxidants encourages participants to eat less during their next snack. Thus, eating more mindfully can also help you eat less at your next snack! 
  3. Heart health – A healthy diet is essential for maintaining heart health. Fruits and vegetables are high-fiber foods which have many health benefits. A fiber-rich diet is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can help maintain a healthy heart. 
  4. Weight loss – Consuming fewer calories than you burn is a great way to lose weight. As per some studies, people who consume a meal rich in protein are less likely to consume snacks the following day. Eating less at your next snack means you’re more likely to make healthy food choices, like fruits and vegetables, and less likely to consume high-calorie foods.
  5. Improved Emotional Balance – Understanding which foods are better for your body will help to improve your mental health and maintain emotional balance. 
  6. Greater Satisfaction – Make healthier food choices since you’ll be more likely to feel satisfied with what you eat. 
  7. Better Digestion – When you’re hungry, you’ll likely eat smaller, more nutrient-rich meals. This will help your digestive system to function well and more efficiently. 
  8. Greater Mindfulness – One of the most incredible benefits of eating mindfully is that it increases mindfulness.

5 Ways to Eat More mindfully

Eating Mindfully
  1. Start with a positive mindset- Before eating, affirm to yourself that you will eat mindfully. This can help you to have a more positive and fulfilling experience. 
  2. Drink your calories- Drinking water, herbal teas, and low-calorie beverages can help to minimize calorie intake. 
  3. Be selective- Make sure you are selecting the right foods. Avoid processed, sugary, and fatty foods with little nutritional value. 
  4. Focus on the food- Avoid distractions while you eat, including television, music, reading and social media. 
  5. Honour your body- Honor your body by listening to its signals and allowing it to be adequately nourished.


We must understand how to live a healthy life. This includes everything from where you spend your time to how you think and eat. Eating mindfully can help you better understand your body’s needs and why certain foods are healthy for you. Doing this will make you more likely to create a healthier relationship with food based on respect and appreciation rather than scarcity or shame. It will also improve your overall health and well-being as you learn to better nourish your body with the nutrients it needs. Eating mindfully doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as slowing down your meal and appreciating each bite. It might also involve taking a moment before you eat to consider what you’re eating and how it will nourish your body.

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Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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