8 Incredible Ways To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Mind

Have you ever been stuck on a remark you’d rather not say out loud or a thought that just won’t leave your mind? You feel you are stuck with those thoughts. Then this article is for you.

Negative thoughts harm your mental health and can even make you commit violent acts toward yourself or others. For this reason, you should always try to ignore negative thoughts whenever they arise. Instead, focus on what makes you feel good and gradually work your way down to the positive emotions that accompany them. You’ll find that you’re much more able to handle life as you’re meant to, and those negative feelings will eventually pass.

Negative thinking stops you from doing and achieving things. Being negative creates an atmosphere of fear which is not helpful when trying to achieve your goals.

You are often too entangled in your own stories to see what’s important. The antidote is to change the story you tell yourself to see more clearly the big picture – the whole picture.

Consider these three examples: Imagine if you could stop time whenever you felt like it. What would you do? How fast would you move? What would you become? This is what negative thought-stopping is all about. It is not a technique for tranquility; it is a technique for transforming stress and anxiety into motivation and clarity to make better decisions in life.

Here are a few ways to get rid of negative thoughts:

1. Change your posture

Take a moment and observe your body language. Are you hunched? Do you frown? Are you sitting with a closed posture? All of these indicate negative thoughts and depict lower self-esteem. It leads to a lack of confidence. To overcome this, you have to smile more and correct your posture. You must open your posture to feel safe and positive.

2. Empty your mind

When your mind is wandering, it is difficult to stay calm and controlled. It becomes difficult to control the negative thoughts. You can try meditation along with aerobic exercises to be in an alpha mind state. 
Alpha mind state is a situation where your mind is relaxed yet focussed. It makes a person calm, helps your mind to be free of thoughts. You will be able to observe new information and be open to new possibilities.

3. Spend time outdoors

Our thoughts are a product of our environment. If negative people surround you, you will think negatively. Hence, you have to get rid of negative thoughts and people. Getting away from this negative environment can help a lot.

Try taking a short walk to a park or museum. Step away from the chaotic life and reconnect with nature. Change the focus of your thoughts into positive activities. Play with children, enjoy with family and friends or just dance to your till you are content.

Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts by staying outdoors
Spend Time Outdoors

4. Channel the positive energy

When you channel positive energy, you become more powerful. The force of will that drives you to blissful awareness is overwhelming and can get very overwhelming very fast. At its core, channeling is about holding onto the good feelings that you have already experienced and recognizing that they are only possible because of what’s already been achieved in the present moment and by thinking positively.  

5. Stop negative thinking

Negative thinking is a result of a bad perspective. Try avoiding them. For example, you may say, “I have problems, and I am facing difficult times,” but instead, you can think, “It is difficult as I am facing challenges, but I will find solutions.” It is just that you are changing your perspective into a positive one. This small change of focus can have a significant impact on your thinking patterns.

If you are having negative thoughts, just write them down. Throw away these pieces of paper. It can make a huge difference. When you write down these, you can clearly understand what you are saying and how you are feeling as a result. 

6. Learn to identify negative thoughts and stop constant negative thinking –

Try observing your thoughts and work on identifying the negativity. People often label themselves in different contexts. For example, some people may say,” I am bad at math” or “I am the worst dancer,” which will often feel negative about activities that involve the skill. Remind yourself that these are just thoughts, not facts, and stop thinking about them and worrying.

7. Exercises to stop thinking negatively –  

Try this exercise to get rid of negative thoughts and boost motivation in the process. You will be able to change your habit of negative thinking.

Just take a pen and paper and follow these steps:

  1. Write down all your negative thoughts. Simply note down whatever comes to your mind.
  2. Focus on what you have written. Analyze the underlying emotion that those negative thoughts are producing. 
  3. Become aware of the thought, learn to stop and change that thought
  4. Know the frequency of thinking. Ask yourself, how often you think negatively in a day and how has it affected you.
  5. Now replace the negative thought switch the positive ones. It should be something realistic and believable. 

Do these exercises and give yourself a day challenge to get started. 

Journaling Your Thoughts to Understand Them

8. Smile more

Make a habit of smiling throughout the day – even on the bus or in the office. The reason we smile is likely because we enjoy seeing another person smile. Research showed that smiling reduced stress for the person being smiled at and increased positive feelings toward the stranger. It also led to more positive memories being formed in the brain. Another research shows that looking at pictures of happy people can brighten your mood even more and help beat depression. 

Thus, it is possible to get rid of negative thoughts. It’s only a matter of using the proper techniques. Positive thoughts help us grow and expand our minds. Negative thoughts stand in our way, making us smaller and less capable of standing on our own two feet. They paralyze us into inaction or debilitating depression.

Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts by keeping yourself happy
Smile Often

Suddenly, you wake up and realize you’ve neglected to take positive action to improve your life. It can be as simple as missing a step. Here’s how to defeat the seemingly unstoppable negative thought, once and for all. Never lose hope – there is always a way back, with practice. It’s just that most people don’t know where or how to begin. Before you give up, remember these three things:

  • Understand your mind and thoughts
  • Stop being blind to all the positive aspects of your life
  • Be happy, be optimistic and love your life.

If you are looking for more tips on positivity and joyfulness, download our JoyScore app now!

Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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