“Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.” – Swedish Proverb.
Friends make your life happier. You can never measure the actual benefits of friendship. It is impossible to calculate how much joy your best friend has brought to you over the years. Research says that people are happier when they are with other people. Source.
Joy is having good friends by your side. These social bonds can have a positive impact on your health and happiness.
Here we present to you six reasons why friendship is crucial for a happy life.
1. Friends keep you healthy.
Friendship is good for your physical and mental health. Having a close circle of good friends can decrease your health risks such as heart attack and stroke. They also encourage a healthy lifestyle which has a direct impact on your well-being. Friends help you reduce the feeling of loneliness and emotionally support you.

2. Friendship encourages positive interactions.
Friends help you to be optimistic. When you have your friends beside you, the visual perception of challenges changes. You are encouraged to deal with all the negative aspects bravely. Positivity increases your satisfaction with life and reduces the risk of depression.
3. A friend always makes you happy.
Happiness is contagious among friends. They make you burst into If your friend has a healthy mood, you too are likely to have the same. When you are happy for a friend when their happiness, success, beauty, and celebration make you happy, celebration makes you happy. It is then you realize the magic of friendship.

4. Friends help you reduce stress.
A lack of friends makes you vulnerable to depression and substance abuse. You may be going through stressful situations in your life. Friends help you cope with such events. According to a study, People who hang out with friends during stressful situations produce less cortisol. Another research says that people are 12 times more likely to feel happy on days spent with friends.
5. Friends help you live longer.
Did you know? People with strong social ties are 50% less likely to die. Friendship doesn’t just make lives better; it makes them longer. The social support that you get during stressful times makes you feel comfortable and make your life better. Stronger social relationships have a 50% lower risk of mortality. Thus friendship is crucial to have a longer and happier life.
6. Socialize for betterment
Friendship is necessary for you to feel happy, and the happiest people are the most social. People who connect with more people are positive and optimistic. Simple activities such as joining a club, walking/jogging together, or hanging out with friends are all means of socialization. These banish loneliness feelings and promote a sense of safety, belonging, and joy that helps people to feel secure.

Friendship is a bond that shares the joy. It lasts when two people fill specific roles, perform tasks for each other and share a connection. Love and relationships indeed begin and end, but the joy of friendship stays forever. Be happy and nurture your friendship with Joyscore.