10 Amazing Tips To Declutter Your Life And Reduce Stress

by | Mar 8, 2022 | Mind

Life can be hard. Life is chaotic at times, from paying your monthly bills to looking for a new job. And the most significant source of our stress is when we are cluttered, filled with clutter that gives us higher anxiety and causes us to feel overwhelmed. We will show you a clutter-free lifestyle by providing tips that can help reduce unnecessary purchases to declutter physical items and mental stressors. A cluttered environment not only creates anxiety but can also lead to health issues, whether physical or mental. Here are a few tips to declutter your life & home that will help you reduce stress and enjoy life more.

There are some simple Tips To Declutter Your Life And Reduce Stress

  1. Create a checklist
Tips To Declutter Your Life

People always say they’ve got too much on their plate, but what does that mean? Do you need to stop saying yes to every invitation, or do you need a better way to organize your daily tasks?

“It’s about finding what works for you,” says Sarah Knight, author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck” and “You Do You.” “Whether that’s an app like Wunderlist, which I use all the time, or pen and paper, keep track of your daily tasks, so you don’t get overwhelmed.”

2. Start today and start small.

You can start decluttering your mind and life today. You don’t need to wait for a special occasion or a new year to begin. And you don’t need to start big either. It’s better to take small steps first and tackle more significant projects later.

Trying to change everything all at once will overwhelm you and make it less likely you’ll stick with any changes. Instead, start with one thing at a time. For example, if you want to get rid of clutter in your house, start by getting rid of the papers on your desk or the shoes crammed into your closet. Once you’ve made progress on those items, move on to another area of your house.

3. Change your routine.

 If you are not a morning person, don’t force yourself to wake up at 5 am and run. Start with small changes, like taking a walk after dinner or cleaning out one closet each week. Add more as you feel comfortable doing so.

4. Don’t commit to all.

Many people are going through life with the feeling that they need to do and be everything to everyone. When you have a lot of commitments, it can feel like you’re trying to live up to everyone’s expectations but your own. It becomes challenging to organize and prioritize when so many things pull on your attention.

Decluttering your life means taking charge, facing up to your obligations, and prioritizing what matters most.

5. Avoid toxic people in your life.

It’s not just physical objects that can clutter up our lives — people can be just as toxic and energy draining. Avoid anyone who creates unnecessary drama or stress in your life. If someone brings negativity into your world but doesn’t add value, consider limiting how much time you spend together

6. Clean up your surroundings

Tips To Declutter Your Life

If you’re feeling stressed, the mess is usually the culprit. But it’s not just physical mess that contributes to stress — digital mess can have a similar effect on your well-being. Here are some stress-reducing activities:

Once you’ve cleaned up your physical surroundings, take time to clean up your virtual ones as well. Go through your email inbox, delete old messages, and unsubscribe from mailing lists you no longer read. Then, sort through the documents on your computer or in the cloud and move the ones you don’t need anymore into an archive folder. That way, if you need to access them in the future, they’ll be easy to find.

7. Have a system to keep clutter in check.

Create a system that can help. Whether it’s an organizing or cleaning system, having one (or more) in place will help you maintain an organized household.

8. Stop making impulse purchases.

Impulse purchases like candy bars at the cash register or that overpriced dress – are never worth the money as they contribute to more clutter. Make sure you have a clear vision of what you need before you go shopping and stick with it!

9. Recycle or trash anything outdated

Tips To Declutter Your Life

This would include old bills, receipts, paperwork, books, and magazines. While this might seem like a hassle, you will feel better after getting rid of things you do not need anymore.

Go through your closet and give away any clothes you have not worn in the last two years. Sell some of them online if they are in decent shape.

Get rid of anything that is broken or needs repair. If you haven’t fixed it yet, it’s unlikely you will. Consider donating it to charity or giving it to someone who has the time and skill to fix it up.

10. Simplify your goals

Knowing what you want to achieve will help keep you motivated and reduce stress. You might have several goals in mind, such as learning how to cook or organizing your home office. Write down these goals and keep them where you can see them every day so that they stay top of mind for you.

Decluttering and reducing stress are two major factors in having a better life. If you’re constantly living in the fast lane and wasting your time on useless stuff, you’ll suffer from low productivity and often have trouble keeping up with your daily life. Take action. 

When you declutter your life, you get back your profits for living. You can start focusing on what’s important to you instead of spending your entire life managing the chaos.

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Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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