When you impress an idea upon your subconscious mind, it alters the vibration of this instrument we call the body. Our body is a molecular structure, a mass of energy at a very high vibrational speed. And how we use our mind dictates the beat of our existence. And the Law of Attraction sets into motion.
The Law of attraction says that the things you focus on, attract more of into your life. It is always in motion. Now, how does the Law of attraction work? All thoughts translate into things eventually, and what you focus on, expands. To understand this Law, first, you have to know that you always attract into your life the people, the things, the resources, the ideas in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

The Law of Attraction is the strongest in this universe. At this very moment, it is functioning in your life. You are always in a state of existence and creation. Each moment of every day, you are building your reality. With every single thought, you make your future, either in your conscious or subconscious mind. You can’t break from it because creation never stops.
Simply put, the Law says that you will pull into your life whatever you concentrate on. Whatever you allocate your energy and attention to will come back to you. You will naturally attract more positive things into your life if you remain focused on your life’s positive things. If you focus on negativity, then the same will get attracted to your life.
Like attracts like. If you feel excited, enthusiastic, passionate, happy, joyful, appreciative, or abundant, you send out positive energy.
On the other hand, if you feel bored, anxious, stressed out, angry, resentful, or sad, you send out negative energy. The universe will respond enthusiastically to each of these vibrations through the Law of Attraction. It doesn’t determine which one is better for you; it just reacts to whatever energy you are creating, giving you more of the same. You get back exactly what you give out there.

At any given moment, whatever you think and feel is your plea to the universe for more of the same. Ensure that you continuously send out energy, emotions, and feelings that resonate with what you want to be, do, and experience. Your energy waves will draw power back to you from the same frequencies. Your energy frequencies must be in tune with what you want to attract in your life. If joy and warmth are what you want to attract, you must build the vibrational frequencies of joy and warmth.
Take Positive Action!
Start by practicing awareness in your daily life. Strive to become more conscious of the extraordinary synchronicity of your life that already exists. Sweep away any negative feelings or emotions lingering. Sweep away any doubt. And then take actions every day that will move you toward your purpose and fulfill your dreams.
The Law of Attraction enables infinite possibilities, infinite abundance, and everlasting joy. It knows no order of difficulty, and if you let it, it will change your life in every way. Download the JoyScore app to experience unlimited Joy in your life.