In today’s busy lives, the act of kindness is a much-needed aspect to contribute to positive mental and physical health. Kindness is the quality of being generous and considerate of oneself and others. Kindness means an individual is ready to offer help towards someone in need without expecting anything in return.
Kindness makes the world and society a better place to live. The love and affection demonstrated by being kind, does not always need words as it can also be an action. Being kind sets high moral standards and improves your relationships, happiness and overall well-being.
Kind acts, either big or small, have the power to directly improve one’s life. Good deeds don’t take much time or cost money. They only require your willingness and positive intentions.
Short bursts of stress are a part of our everyday life. However, it starts to harm us if it persists for an extended period of time or becomes chronic. If stress is left untreated, it can lead to several health problems and mental problems like anxiety and depression. However, being kind helps combat this and retains your peace of mind.
Being kind to others makes you feel good too. Apart from making you feel morally sound, biochemical changes happen in the brain that also contribute to happiness. When you are kind, chemicals stimulate the release of dopamine or the “happy hormone” in the brain which is termed as “Helper’s high” phenomenon.
When you spread happiness to others it gives you an emotional warmth. Emotional warmth stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin,which plays a significant role in the cardiovascular system. A chemical is produced in the blood vessels because of oxytocin which expands the vessels and reduces blood pressure in the body. Thus, the name “Cardioprotective” has also been assigned to kindness behavior.
A small deed of kindness, for instance a smile, is enough to melt the ice between two people. The moment emotional distance reduces a person feels more “bonded” to another. The stronger emotional bonds a person has, the greater their chance of survival in society will be.
Kindness creates a ripple effect in society, where a good deed inspires others to be kind too. The amount of happiness and gratitude one feels after being treated kindly will persuade a person to act the same to others. The way they choose to be kind may be different than what they have received, but the behavior, as in the desire to be kind, remains there.
Oxytocin, the hormone released in the brain, by receiving kindness, reduces inflammatory symptoms found in many diseases like diabetes and cancer. Kindness also stimulates the release of antibodies which has an immune-boosting effect in the body. Even if you are not involved in an act of kindness, witnessing kindness will also have the same effect. So, apart from learning the ways of kindness, try to reduce your exposure to negative content and replace it with positivity.

If you are having a positive feeling about someone, communicate it with them. A kind act of service is not always essential, you can also just say something positive to someone. You can make a person’s day with simple words like, “your skin looks radiant today” or “that color looks great on you.” A simple “Thank You” also showcases appreciation. Remember, kind words go a long way.
Your choice of words has a lot to do with how your relationships will unfold. Even a small change in your language will make you kinder and more caring. When someone needs feedback, rephrase your words into constructive criticism and highlight the scope of their progress and not their failure. This will make all things better for you and them.
People appreciate it when you give them a chance to talk about their feelings and intentions. Listening to someone also gives you a chance to know what they are going through, so you can know how to help them too. So, try pausing before you speak and choose your words wisely. If you are asked to give your opinion, remind your listeners that their point of view also matters.

Offering money, clothes, books and other material necessities to those who are in need is another wonderful kind deed. Look for charity groups that help work for a cause you are interested in and sign up to help. If you look around, someone in your family or friend group can probably use your support too.
Being kind also means investing your time in someone who needs it. The simple act of helping someone move or being a babysitter is also an act of kindness. Write a letter to a distant friend, give a smile to a homeless person passing by, or help an elderly neighbor carry their groceries. All these are simple but effective acts you can do in your daily life.
Apart from taking care of others, looking after your mental health is also very important. This means, be kind to yourself too! Take time to read your favorite book, maintain a gratitude journal or go for a relaxing walk. You must also learn to be kind enough to forgive yourself for past mistakes and not let your mind suffer from the consequences of carrying around guilt or shame.
Being kind to somebody goes a long way. It not only positively improves your life, but the other person’s life too. Kind acts and words have a positive impact on your mental and physical health too, and you don’t need a special occasion to start being kind. You can be kind towards others today, and, as you do, start to watch the quality of your life drastically improve!
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