Want to recharge? Try a power nap! A hectic day can leave you feeling exhausted, and if you have a demanding job, work schedule, or lots of obligations in life, a great way to recharge is with a power nap. A power nap typically lasts between 10 to 30 minutes and is a great solution to find more energy as it leaves you feeling refreshed and recharged to continue on with your day. Let’s learn six more amazing benefits of power napping!
Anyone can take a short 20-minute power nap in the day, and the benefits are incredible!
- Improves your mood
When you stay up late, it affects your mood the next day because staying up too late disrupts your body’s sleep cycle. When your body does not get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, it makes us feel cranky and groggy, which is our body’s way of telling us we need more rest. Next time you stay up too late, carve out time for a power nap, which will instantly improve your mood.
- Makes you more alert and focused

Major human errors have been caused by sleep deprivation. In fact, someone who sleeps less than 6 hours a night is at a higher risk of getting in a car accident. A lack of sleep takes a toll on your health, but when you choose to take a power nap, you not only feel more rested, but your focus and concentration improve too.
- Sharpens short-term memory
Sleep is essential for your brain to consolidate information you’ve learned and to recall it later on. Power napping is a great tool to use when you need some extra rest, as it improves your memory. When your memory is sharper, you do better at work, in school, taking important tests or exams, and you are able to retain the information you learn, which can help in many areas of life.
This is because Sleep is essential for your brain to consolidate the information we’ve learned and recall it later on. So, use power napping as a potent tool to improve your memory and upgrade your score in your upcoming exam.
- Reduces fatigue
Headaches and body aches are common problems of sleep deprivation. This is why power naps are so crucial! Next time you’re feeling a headache coming on, don’t reach for Advil or Tylenol, but instead, take a power nap. Your body will feel less fatigued when you give it what it really needs rest.
- Uplifts heart health
Overeating is a major cause of diabetes and obesity, which puts unnecessary pressure on the functioning of your heart. According to BMJ Journal Heart, taking a daytime nap a couple of times a week reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart failure and stroke. So, next time you’re feeling tired, don’t resist a power nap. It’s good for your heart.

- Boosts immunity
Did you know power naps boost immunity? Power naps decrease inflammation and stress in our bodies, which helps boost our immune system. Although power naps cannot replace a full night’s sleep, they can still help regulate your immune system, which is essential to have good health in life.
Here are some ways to have a good sleep environment which will help you nap more smoothly.
- Keep the room dark or dim the light
- Sleep with a comfy blanket
- Make sure the room temperature is not too hot or too cold
- Nap on a comfy couch, chair, or bed
An uninterrupted sleep can be enjoyed only if there is no disturbance of your phones or television. Turn off your devices or activate the silent mode for a more sound sleep. Earplugs and eye masks will also help you stay calm and relax thoroughly as you nap too.
Make sure you don’t extend your nap beyond 30 minutes. To ensure this, set an alarm! When your alarm goes off, go outside to expose yourself to some sunlight, which will help your body wake up naturally.
It is better to nap early in the afternoon otherwise, it will be hard to fall asleep at night. Research suggests the best time to nap is between 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
Drinking coffee before you nap provides time for the caffeine to kick in. This means if you drink a cup of coffee before you nap when you wake up 30 minutes later, you will have improved alertness.
– Do not nap for over 30 minutes, as it may make it hard to fall asleep at night.
– People with insomnia should avoid naps.
– Even if you nap, 7-9 hours of sleep each night is a must! A nap can never replace a full night’s sleep.
The best power naps last about 20 minutes. After a power nap, you will always feel more alert and focused, and your mental and physical health will improve. So, next time you have a long night or a rough night’s sleep, take time for a power nap and enjoy the benefits of having more energy and focus.
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