Foods that Boost Mental Health
A healthy mind is an important asset. It provides clarity and helps you focus on what’s most important in life. Sound mental health isn’t just about being able to think clearly and calmly. It’s also about feeling positive emotions, challenging challenges, and coping with stress. A healthy mind means a healthy life.
Balance Is the Key to Optimal Health
First, we should know the warning signs of a mental health condition. If you have suffered a mental health condition in the past, there are major warning signs for which you should look out.
- Are you experiencing depression – this doesn’t mean you’re feeling down but rather numb, exhausted, and hopeless.
- Have suffered a trauma – whether long-term or recent.
- A chronic anxiety sufferer – is when daily events can cause severe panic attacks.
A healthy mind is always moving forward with optimism. To be open to experiencing and growing as a person, you need to keep your health in mind and make regular lifestyle changes. This means eating a healthy diet:
- Rich in vitamins and minerals
- Drink plenty of water
- Get regular exercise
If you’re unsure what to eat, try to get most of your calories from healthy, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and legumes. Avoid high saturated fat, added sugar, and sodium. A healthy diet doesn’t have to be tedious or time-consuming; many healthy food options taste great and are easy to prepare.
Eating a balanced diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables and other nutrients called phytochemicals protects against degenerative diseases like dementia and cardiovascular disease. In this article, we look at the foods that boost mental health. Here are some foods that improve mental wellness. To know more about mental health, please download Joyscore.
Folate and B12 Supplements – foods that boost mental health
A healthy diet can get the nutrients you need from food, but deficiency can occur when populations don’t have access to quality food. Folate and B12 are nutrients that protect against degenerative diseases like dementia and cardiovascular disease. They’re found in many green and leafy vegetables and fortified foods like breakfast cereals. If you’re not consuming enough folate or B12, you may experience mental health changes, including memory loss, mood changes, and depression. Women who don’t consume enough folate during pregnancy may have an increased risk of having a child with a disorder like schizophrenia. If you have a low intake of B12, you may experience symptoms of cognitive decline. B12 is found in foods like fish, eggs, fortified milk, and milk products. Folate is found in various vegetables, fruits, and other foods.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids – foods that boost mental health
There’s evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can help people with a history of depression and anxiety. Found in fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna, and herring. These fats are also found in vegetable oils like canola and walnut oil. Some studies have shown that people with severe depression who supplement with omega-3s significantly reduce symptoms.
Turmeric and Curcumin – foods that boost mental health

Turmeric, a popular Indian spice that contains curcumin, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that may help keep degenerative conditions like dementia and cardiovascular disease at bay. The yellow pigment in turmeric has been used in traditional Asian medicine for thousands of years. It treats various health problems, including arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and liver and colon cancer. In a research review, curcumin was found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can protect brain cells and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. An antioxidant is a substance that can protect cells from damage that would otherwise lead to inflammation and disease. Curcumin is also an anti-inflammatory that can help reduce symptoms like pain, itchiness, and sleep disturbance.
Dark, Blue, and Green – foods that boost mental health

Antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E in fruits and vegetables help ward off degenerative conditions like dementia and cardiovascular disease. They’re also rich in fiber, which can help you feel full and reduce your risk of developing digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and colorectal cancer. Vegetables and fruits which help reduce stress and regulate your mood like:
- Broccoli – Broccoli is loaded with potent plant compounds. It contains antioxidants, and a lot of vitamin K. Higher vitamin K means better memory power.
- Tomatoes – Eating a tomato can reduce your risk of suffering the blues by 52%, according to a study.
- Carrots – Carrots contain flavonoids, which are nutrients that improve brain health.
- Leafs – Leafy greens are also rich in minerals like potassium that can help.
- Avocado – Avocado, which again is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, is incredibly healthy and gives you the bonus of helping to reduce your levels of cortisol.
- Blueberries – Blueberries are again high in antioxidants. They can help to boost your mood and reduce stress levels.
- Cacao – Cacao is the highest source of antioxidants and helps you to feel alert and energized.
- Nuts – Nuts are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to lower cortisol levels, boosting your mood.

Minor changes to your diet, sleeping habits, and socializing with others can go a long way to boost your mental well-being. Certain foods can boost your mood, helping keep you healthy and active. Here are a few that you should eat if you’re looking to boost your mental well-being. If your mental health is suffering seeking help and getting yourself checked out as soon as possible is essential. There are many treatment options available, and it’s vital to make an effort to get better.
Eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and anti-inflammatory foods like fruits and vegetables can protect your health and positively impact your mental health. We’ve discussed the benefits of eating certain foods, like fruits and vegetables, that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. And we’ve also looked at some of the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin, two vitamins found in plants or animals. Now, it’s up to you to start eating healthier foods and taking supplements that can protect your mental health and help you feel happier and more connected to the world around you.
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