Role of Fruits and Vegetables in Healthy Living and Longevity

by | Nov 27, 2022 | Life

Role of Fruits and Vegetables in Healthy Living and Longevity

In this fast-moving world, we are focused on getting everything in a second or two, including the food we eat. This comes with a cost to our health and decreases our life expectancy. When we draw away from nature and consume canned and preserved food we put ourselves in danger. Many people lose their lives due to sudden health problems and conditions. It has been reported that around 2,000 young people die of sudden cardiac arrest each year. This includes kids from the ages of 8-10. Giving up on a healthy lifestyle is giving up on yourself. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by intaking more fruits and vegetables and cutting down on bad calories will help increase your health and longevity. In fact, fruits and vegetables play an important role in achieving a healthy life and longevity.

Importance of fruit and vegetable:

Fruits and vegetables play an important role in overall human health. They provide the valuable micro and macronutrients that are needed by the body to function. Minerals and dietary fibers help to keep the gut in good health. Eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables, and following a calorie deficiency diet, rather than having junk, may help in healthy weight loss. Consuming 2 types of vegetables and 5 types of fruits on a daily basis helps to achieve all the phytonutrients that are needed for better functioning.  In a report released by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) only 9% of adults intake the standard amount of vegetables and 12% of adults intake the standard amount of fruits.

About 10% of premature deaths occur due to insufficient eating of fruits and vegetables. Having a healthy life and longevity are interdependent. There are no specific methods or rules for it. When you eat right, having five servings of fruits and vegetables will help you get enough nutrients, minerals, and vitamins which increase your health and thereby achieve anti-ageing and longevity. Eating fruits and vegetables also help in the prevention of chronic diseases. Here are some more benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables in Health and Longevity

Role of fruits and vegetables

1.  Reduce Obesity:

The health benefits of fruits and vegetables help in maintaining a healthy weight and may accompany healthy weight loss when paired with a good amount of physical activity. Since they are rich in fiber, they prevent you from craving more food and overeating. Fruits like grapefruit, stone fruits, melons, kiwi and berries and vegetables like green peas, sweet potatoes, and broccoli are low in calories contributing to weight loss. Maintaining the ideal body weight will prevent further risks contributing to longevity. They also reduce cholesterol and improve blood pressure thus leading to a healthy lifestyle.  

2.  Cardiovascular diseases:

There was enough evidence to prove that the right amount of intake of fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. An individual who consumes more fruits and vegetables is at a lower risk of coronary heart disease than the ones that don’t eat the recommended amount. The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables like green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are loaded with antioxidants and are a good source of Vitamin K which is responsible for proper blood clotting and protects the arteries. Berries like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries have the essential nutrients to protect the heart against any type of heart-related disease. Consuming different types of fruits and vegetables a day rather than sticking to a particular one can increase health and longevity too.

3.  Blood pressure:

Fruits and vegetables are important to treat hypertension as they have almost no or low-fat content which helps in managing hypertension. Hypertension is one of the critical factors that can lead to the following conditions: strokes, kidney failure, and heart attack. Citrus fruits, swiss chard, carrots, celery, and tomatoes have enough Phyto compounds and nutrients to manage blood sugar and cholesterol-lowering hypertension.  Hence following a vegetarian diet along with low-fat dairy products can reduce hypertension or blood pressure.

  • The foods above (pumpkin seeds, beans, lentils) are not fruits and vegetables, thus they needed to be deleted for the consistency of the blog post.

4.  Cancer:

Consuming fruits and vegetables can prevent cancer and contribute to achieving better health among cancer patients. Fruits like apple, kiwifruit, green grapes, orange (any kind of citrus fruits), broccoli, and vegetables mainly belonging to the Cruciferous family help in fighting cancer as they are loaded with antioxidants that helps in the prevention of cancers by fighting against reactive oxygen species (ROS). Fruits and vegetables contribute to healthy living by preventing certain types of cancer like mouth, esophagus, and stomach cancer. 

How do I escalate fruit and vegetable consumption in life?

Be colorful: Being colorful matters! Think of a bowl with only greens and now think of a bowl that is with carrots, cabbage, apple, and grapes. The importance of fruits in the body comes by mixing a wide range of colorful fruits and eating a variety. Taking different types of fruits and vegetables makes consumption easy as the first thing we do before tasting anything is to see it. Studies show that visual taste plays a key role in liking or disliking food.

Check your fruit and vegetables: Try to eat different fruits and vegetables. Don’t follow up a routine and stick only to your favorite ones. Try new fruits and change the combinations alternatively. Knowing the benefits of fruits and vegetables will help in increasing the intake of different nutrients.

Smoothies: One of the most efficient and convenient ways for those who don’t like to eat fruit or vegetables is smoothies. Have a blender and know which combinations taste the best. Blend your fruit or vegetables with a lot of spinach and consume them. This method helps in increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables, even in kids. Spinach will taste better when they are added to smoothies too!

Make a meal: There are plenty of recipes with fruits and vegetables! Explore different fruits and vegetables, and try creating a meal with them. Having fruits and vegetable sticks as snacks can also help increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. It also lowers the intake of cholesterol-rich snacks. Consuming fruits and vegetables will not only increase health and longevity but also help in relieving stress, maintaining mindfulness, and increasing concentration at work. When you intake them in the right amount, your daily intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber is met. The benefits of fruits and vegetables in the human diet helps in lowering-cholesterol levels and low calories help in achieving a steady mind and body. It helps in maintaining a healthy life balance and defends against diseases. Feasting on them reverses ageing and increases the life span as they are rich in antioxidants and other compounds that help in fighting age. Hence, consuming more fruits and vegetables is as important as taking care of your external self.

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Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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