Practical Tips for Staying Positive Around Negative People

by | Sep 23, 2024 | Uncategorized

We all have someone in our life who tends to bring negativity into the room, whether it’s a colleague who complains all day or a family member who always focuses on the worst-case scenario. Constant exposure to such negativity can zap your energy and make staying positive difficult. But with a little planning and the right mindset, you can protect your inner peace and stay positive, no matter what. 

Here are some practical tips to help you stay positive around negative people, plus how the JoyScore app can help!

1. Set Healthy Boundaries

Dealing with negativity starts with protecting yourself by setting boundaries. You don’t need to tolerate endless complaints or criticism. Clearly defining when you’ll engage and when you’ll take a step back keeps your mental space positive.

Why Boundaries Work:  

Boundaries allow you to maintain control over your emotional well-being. You’re less likely to get dragged into a negative spiral when you know when to disengage from harmful conversations.

2. Limit Exposure When Possible

While you can’t avoid negative people completely—especially at work or family gatherings—you can limit how much time you spend with them. Create distance without causing unnecessary conflict by politely excusing yourself from negative conversations.

Tactics for Limiting Exposure:

Find ways to redirect the conversation or limit your interactions. You can excuse yourself to focus on a task or offer a time limit for discussions so they don’t drain your energy.

3. Surround Yourself with Positivity

While you may not always have a choice about who you’re around, you can counterbalance negativity by actively seeking out positive influences. Spend time with uplifting friends, engaging in joyful activities, or listening to inspiring content.

Why Positivity Matters: 

When you’re around positive people or doing things that make you happy, it reinforces your own sense of joy. The more positivity you absorb, the more you can counteract negativity.

4. Don’t Take It Personally

Negativity from others often has nothing to do with you—it’s usually about their own insecurities or frustrations. By recognizing this, you can stop internalizing their negative energy.

How to Let Go: 

Next time someone’s negativity starts affecting you, remind yourself: “Their feelings and attitude are not mine to carry.” This allows you to stay grounded without getting dragged down by their emotions.

5. Use Compassion—With Limits

Sometimes negativity is a cry for help or frustration bubbling over. Practice empathy, but remember that compassion doesn’t mean you have to absorb someone else’s bad vibes. Stay kind, but don’t let their problems weigh you down.

Balancing Empathy and Self-Care:

If appropriate, show understanding and offer helpful advice. if appropriate. However, know when it’s time to walk away to preserve your mental health.

6. Use Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Mindset

Positive affirmations are a powerful way to strengthen your mindset. When you’re surrounded by negativity, repeat affirmations like “I control my own happiness” or “I choose positivity.” It might sound simple, but these statements work like a mental defense system.

How Affirmations Help:

Affirmations build mental resilience. By repeating them daily, you train your brain to reject negativity and focus on what brings you joy.

7. Focus on Your Own Growth

Keeping your attention on your personal goals and progress is another excellent way to deflect negativity. When you’re working toward something meaningful, the complaints or criticism of others start to feel small in comparison.

Why Personal Growth Matters:

Progress keeps you motivated, and it’s harder to get distracted by negative energy when you’re laser-focused on your own goals toward happiness. 

8. Take Breaks for Self-Care

Dealing with negativity can be exhausting, so it’s crucial to give yourself breaks to recharge. Whether it’s through meditation, exercise, or simply stepping outside for fresh air, taking a break can help restore your positivity.

Effective Self-Care Tips:

Find a simple self-care routine that works for you, whether it’s practicing mindfulness, enjoying a hobby, or spending time with a pet. Regular breaks help reset your mindset and keep negativity at bay.

FAQs about Staying Positive Around Negative People

Q: How can I handle negativity from a coworker without causing conflict? 

A: Stay professional and redirect the conversation towards solutions. Offer constructive feedback and keep interactions focused on work-related tasks to limit personal negativity.

Q: What if my spouse or partner is negative?

A: Address the issue openly but with empathy. Encourage positive activities together and have conversations about how negativity affects both of you. Mutual support can help foster positivity in your relationship.

Q: How can I remain positive in a negative work environment?  

A: Create a personal work sanctuary by keeping your desk positive with inspiring quotes or personal photos. Take breaks to reset, and limit engagement with toxic office gossip.

Q: Can practicing gratitude help with negativity?

A: Yes! Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting focus away from negative influences. By acknowledging what you’re grateful for each day, you counterbalance any negativity you encounter.

Q: How do I deal with a negative friend without cutting them off?

A: Set boundaries and let them know how their negativity impacts you. Encourage conversations around positive topics, and if necessary, reduce time spent together without severing the friendship.

Q: What can I do if I start feeling negative too?

A: It’s normal to absorb some of the negativity around you. When this happens, step back and engage in self-care activities like journaling or exercising to clear your mind and recharge.

Q: Is avoiding negative people the best option?

A: Not always. While limiting exposure helps, avoidance isn’t always possible, especially with family or coworkers. It’s better to equip yourself with strategies to stay positive in their presence.

How JoyScore Can Support Your Positivity Journey

The JoyScore app is your personal coach for staying positive, no matter what life throws your way. With scientifically-backed activities, gratitude exercises, and mood-boosting challenges, JoyScore empowers you to strengthen your mindset. It also tracks your emotional progress, so you can see improvements over time. If negativity is affecting your life, JoyScore offers daily tips and suggestions to help you stay positive and thrive in difficult situations.


Staying positive around negative people may seem tough, but it’s entirely possible with the right strategies. By setting boundaries, practicing empathy without absorbing negativity, and focusing on your own growth, you can protect your inner peace. Remember, positivity is an active choice that you can make every day, no matter who’s around you. And with tools like the JoyScore app at your fingertips, building a resilient, positive mindset is easier than ever.

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Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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