Have you heard someone from your friend’s group or family talk about facing a Thyroid issue, Hypothyroidism? Have you been curious about it or are you someone who is suffering from it? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, did you know that this issue can be managed by making subtle lifestyle changes?
Hypothyroidism is a condition where your body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, which are required for your well being and is commonly referred to as the ‘Thyroid Issue’. It affects women more frequently than men and also among people over the age group of 60.
The signs of hypothyroidism vary, depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency. Problems tend to develop slowly and steadily, often over some time. At first, you may not notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as tiredness and weight gain. Or maybe you attribute them to getting older. But as your metabolism continues to slow, you may develop more problems like elevated blood cholesterol level, stiffness or swelling in your joints, and thinning hair.

But it is possible to live well with Hypothyroidism. Bringing about subtle lifestyle changes can help you better manage your symptoms. Here are 4 simple lifestyle changes you can habituate:
Eat a clean and balanced diet everyday
Clean eating includes a diet pattern that comprises fresh, whole foods. These are minimally processed, real foods that are close to their natural state. To keep your energy levels stable it is important to go for a balanced diet which includes, green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats.

Exercise Regularly
Moderate intensity workout suits the best to maintain Hypothyroidism. Overdoing it might affect the body’s ability to convert inactive thyroid hormone to the active form. If this process is hampered it can cause visible symptoms of Hypothyroidism. A brisk morning walk or a jog and yoga is recommended. You can try different and simple activities on the JoyScore app as well.

Meditate for Hypothyroidism
Having a chronic disease, even if it is monitored by the doctor, can be stressful and might do much harm than good. Hence, it is suggested, we take control of our well being by striving for a balanced state of mind. Being in a meditative state helps raise our awareness towards our inner self as well as our surroundings. It consciously helps in reducing the stress that we face in our day to day lives. JoyScore is an app which can help you reach this meditative stage by raising your awareness towards your inner self.
Practice restorative sleep habits
Hypothyroidism can make you feel tired all the time. But having a schedule and sticking to it helps a lot. Sleeping at a particular time and waking up early every day- including the weekends, can help you drift off easily at night. Have a warm tea before you sleep as it helps relax your mind and sleep quickly.
Joyscore can aid you with implementing these changes through guided meditation, breathing, sleep management, and stress reduction tools. With the help of such activities and games in the app, you may be able to maintain or even reverse thyroid. With JoyScore, you can enhance your living and lead a joyful life. Download the app now.