In today’s Technology-driven Era, physical activity has gone minuscule. We have been dominated by machines in every segment of life, whether personal or professional, to ease our chores. Moreover, with changing lifestyle choices and eating habits, people are becoming obese and more stressed. Also, in the wake of the pandemic situation where negative vibes are prevailing, it is important to control your anxiety levels and keep your calm. Therefore, in order to nurture a healthy mind in a healthy body, Yoga plays an inevitable role. For it helps one to maintain the balance between Mind, Body, and Spirit.
It is often said and believed that one cannot control what is going on outside but can always control what is going on inside. Therefore, Yoga is nothing but conquering your Mind which helps to improve the shape of your life rather than just the shape of your body.
Yoga is a mind-body workout which includes Physical exercise, Breath control, Positive thinking & meditation which relaxes your muscles. There are various forms of Yoga and can be practiced either Outdoor or Indoor with no special equipment besides a Yoga mat.

Major Forms of Yoga:
- Hatha: This form is a combination of basic physical posture and breathing and involves balancing active and calming energies. This is best for beginners.
- Vinyasa: This involves a series of postures in different sequences as the word itself means ‘to place in a special way’. It is usually practiced in a dark room.
- Power: It is a faster and higher intensity practice with added core exercises that tones up muscles.
- Ashtanga: It means Eight Limbs and involves breath synchronization along with movement through a series of postures. Eg- Sun Salutation. Each limb has a technique to practice-
- Yamas: Moral conduct & ethical standards
- Niyamas: Discipline
- Asana: Physical postures for awareness about body, mind
- Pranayama: Special breathing techniques to control the energies
- Pratyahara: Practice of Sensory detachment
- Dharana: Concentration and focus
- Dhyana: Meditation
- Samadhi: State of bliss that merges with the divine
- Bikram: It is known as Hot Yoga and has a series of 26 poses that are performed in a room heated to a certain temperature.

Popular Postures (Asana) of Yoga:
- Headstand (Sirasana)- Where you balance on your Elbows, Arms, and Head. It helps in the circulation of oxygen-rich blood and energy flow to the brain. It improves memory and concentration.
- Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)- Where the body rests on the shoulder with arms touching the floor and legs upright. This removes the blockage in the neck and shoulder area, relieves stress, and regulates all glands in the body ensuring proper functioning of organs.
- Plough (Halasana)- Posture resembling a plough where the hand rests on the floor and feet touches the floor. It helps to put pressure on abdominal organs and reduces indigestion and constipation.
- Sitting Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)- Stretching the spine forward with hands touching feet. It helps in easing spine compression and gives strength to the nervous system and prevents diabetes.
- Cobra (Bhujangasana)- Lifting the upper body to form an arc and expanding the chest. It increases flexibility, improves blood supply to the spine, and strengthens the neck and upper back. It helps in menstrual problems in women by putting pressure on pelvic organs.
- Locust (Salabhasana)- Lying on the front with arms resting on the floor and lifted legs towards the head to form an arc. This improves the flexibility of the cervical region, reduces sciatica and lower back pain. It enhances your will power.
- Bow (Dhanurasana)- Balancing on the abdomen in the shape of a bow with hands grabbing the feet. It helps in reducing menstrual problems in women and strengthens digestive organs.
- Standing forward bend (Padahastasana)- Bending forward in standing position with hands touching feet. It makes the spine elastic and strengthens the joints and promotes lasting youth.
- Triangle (Trikonasana)- A bend towards the side resembling a triangle with one hand straight and another touching the feet. This increases the flexibility of the hip and leg.

Overall Benefits of Yoga:
The benefits of Yoga are multifold. The body is benefitted from movement and the mind is benefitted from Stillness. They are broadly categorized as follows:
- Psychological–
- Concentration- Does not let you divert easily, improves focus and concentration, and boosts memory.
- Reduces Stress– Stress can have devastating effects on body and mind and yoga leads to improved ability to deal with stress, reduces anxiety, thereby headache.
- Lower risk of Mental Health Conditions– Helps to channel our curiosity and mental powers and therefore curtail depression, hypertension.
- Heightened mood– Induces meditative mood that heals your mind and soul.
- Quality of Sleep– Helps in reducing tension, calming our mind, and provides the inner peace and therefore improves sleep.
- Self-Esteem– Yoga is a journey of the self, to the self, through the self, and enhances confidence.
- The overall quality of life– Our life is shaped by our mind. For we become what we think. It aids in adding years to your life and life to your years.
- Physical-
- Tone– Improves the strength of muscles, joints, and ligaments and tone them.
- Flexibility– Improvises your posture, balance, flexibility, and stamina. It opens shoulders, chest, etc.
- Injury Prevention- Increases strength as well as awareness of body and prevents injury.
- Reduces Obesity– Helps to burn calories and shed excess fat.
- Slows Down Aging– Improves energy circulation, reduces fatigue, improves skin tone, and promotes youthfulness.
- Biochemical-
- Balances metabolism– Helps to remove blockages and improves digestion and functioning of all organs,
- Immune System– By taming the mind and cultivating positive thoughts, it does marvels in boosting the immune system.
- Controls Cholesterol– Burns calories, improves blood circulation and makes one less prone to heart disease.
- Hormonal Balance- Blood is the carrier of hormones and increased blood circulation helps in maintaining the balance of hormones.
“Yoga shines the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.” It is a twirl between control and surrender, between pushing and letting go. It is an art where it is 99% practice and 1% theory. So why not start from today and Unveil the Unexplored You.