Impact of social media on relationship
Who doesn’t use smartphones? It has become a significant part of our daily life. Whether you are just waking up or going to sleep, the odds are your phone is the first and the last thing you look at. But what makes the smartphone so addictive? The answer is social media.
According to Pew Research Centre, almost 72% of people in the USA have access to social media, and seven-in-ten Americans use social media platforms to connect with people. Nowadays, people use social media for almost everything, connecting, sharing, shopping, you name it. So, it goes without saying that social media also does wonders for relationships.
“Sleeping in the DMs” is the new pickup line, and countless people find their love through social media. However, while social media is a boon in many cases, it can be a bane just as quickly. There are many pitfalls social media can create in your relationship. Hence, it is key to navigate your relationship and social media in such a way that it benefits your relationship, not put a damper on it.
There can be positive as well as negative impacts of social media on relationships, and we are here to inform you about both. We have curated a list, especially for you, about the merits and demerits that social media can have on your relationships.
Benefits of social media on relationships.
Social media is a great way to meet people, and it can be the wingman you always wanted. However, while digital interaction on social media can never have the same psychological benefits compared to face-to-face contact, there are still many positive ways in which social media can help you stay connected and support your romantic relationships.
It helps you stay connected in your relationship.

Social media has enabled us to be more involved and engaged in the lives of our loved ones. This includes our friends, family, and of course, our romantic partners. With social media, we can communicate more with our partners. We can also see their daily happenings and feel more connected to one another.
Digital platforms have also made it possible for people to share their relationships with others. However, you have to be careful about the information you share with others about your relationship, as it can also cause adverse effects. Sharing too much on social media can lower intimacy levels, and sharing too little can cause others to question your relationship’s authenticity. Finding the sweet spot between sharing too much and not sharing too little is essential for a healthy relationship.
Can give birth to new relationships
It is no secret that dating is more of a digital thing now. From meeting people over coffee to chatting on social media platforms, we all witnessed a drastic change in the dating game. And Social media sites are the driving force. Another study by PewRecearch Centre concluded that 48% of Americans aged 18 to 29 have dated online, nearly one-third of the American population.
Can help in long-distance relationships
Harmful social media effects on relationships
While social media is a great medium to stay connected and take your relationship to the next level, it can also easily cause catastrophic consequences in your romantic life if you don’t keep your social media habits in check.
Decreased Time With a Partner

We’ve seen how hopping on a screen for a couple of minutes can lead to the passing of an hour without you even realizing it. This is a problem that many couples face due to social media. Constant use of social media negatively impacts relationships by reducing attention and the quality of time you spend with your spouse.
Social media tends to be addictive, and spending too much time on social media can deprive you of the time you can spend with your partner otherwise.
Can lead to comparison
There are many adverse social media effects on relationships, especially when you start comparing yourself to others. This can impact your commitment to your relationship and ultimately lead to friction in the relationship. In some dire cases, it can even cause the demise of your time together.
Other couples do not always show the negative side of their relationship on social media. They always show positive things which will get more likes. However, the reality is much different, and people often fail to comprehend that. Couples see what is happening in other relationships, leading to jealousy and irritation, causing relationship satisfaction to decline.
Can cause jealousy

Many studies have shown that social media can lead to jealousy in relationships. People who are insecure or prone to jealousy are more likely to get affected negatively because of social media.
You may see an interaction between your partner and someone they may be attracted to (maybe an Ex) and get upset seeing their partner liking or commenting on their posts, giving birth to false assumptions and conflicts.
It may make you conscious of your body.
We have all seen funny videos about girlfriends catching their boyfriends staking some model and liking explicit pictures. All fun and games aside, it is also a significant negative influence of social media on relationship wellness.
The filtered and edited images you see on social media platforms can propel insecurities about your own body. It can also make your partner insecure about their body if they find airbrushed pictures of models on your social media.
To put it simply, these insecurities set off by social media can hamper emotional and physical intimacy, diminishing the overall quality of a relationship.
Final thoughts
Despite how dependent we are on social media now, it is vital to balance the time you spend on social media and the time you spend with your partner. Scrolling through social media is addictive and can take a lot of your time. While these platforms offer helpful resources, they can also be the cause of negative emotions, mental health issues, and unrealistic expectations.
The impact of social media on relationships can be both good and bad. It all comes down to how you manage your time on social media platforms and how to extract only the good things out of these platforms that will benefit your relationship.
To know more about the effects of social media on relationships, visit the Joyscore website or download the Joyscore app today!