6 Simple Tips For A Post Holiday Season Detox

6 Simple Tips For A Post Holiday Season Detox

The holidays are such a fun time: family get-togethers, vacations, treats, drinks, laughter, and constant excuses to skip the gym. It's the time of year when you can't avoid the seasonal candy and unhealthy snacks. But it hits you once you're back to reality. The...

The Story of Tea

The Story of Tea

Your immune system is a natural defense against disease-causing viruses that may be present in areas like the workplace, shopping malls, and even airplanes. However, this defense often fails: a virus may successfully invade you and make you sick due to your immune...

How to Manage Diabetes Effectively

How to Manage Diabetes Effectively

 I got my facts corrected a little late when my father was diagnosed with diabetes. I had assumed consuming sweets and chocolates was the reason for high “sugar” levels in the body. After doing a little research out of curiosity, I found out that diabetes occurs...

Holistic Fitness-  An Emerging Trend To Follow

Holistic Fitness- An Emerging Trend To Follow

Holistic Fitness can mean different things to different people. In current times, it is difficult to say that one terminology defines it all. Traditional exercise and weight training are practiced to tone and build our muscles, making our outward appearance pleasing....

Power Of Superfoods Which Are Easily Available

Power Of Superfoods Which Are Easily Available

No single food can provide you all of the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you require. It is crucial to eat a wide variety of nutrient-rich foods to obtain our bodies' health benefits. There is nothing wrong with consuming a food item that provides you...

The Ultimate Bodyweight Exercises to Do Anywhere Be Your Own Gym

The Ultimate Bodyweight Exercises to Do Anywhere Be Your Own Gym

Exercise is an activity that makes your muscles work. There are many types of physical activity, including swimming, running, jogging, walking, and dancing, to name a few. When you exercise regularly, it results in many health benefits, both physically and mentally....

An Ultimate Guide to Ginger: What’s in It, Why It’s Good for You!

An Ultimate Guide to Ginger: What’s in It, Why It’s Good for You!

Nature has bestowed us with an abundant and massive variety of herbs and spices. Spices and herbs, prevalent since ancient times, are now playing a new and essential role in modern food preparation. They not only impart unique flavors to our food but contribute color...

Types of Plank Exercises and Their Benefits

Types of Plank Exercises and Their Benefits

What is a Plank? Are you struggling to reduce belly fat? One of the effective exercises to burn fat around the waistline is Plank. A plank is a simple exercise that works by engaging the major muscle group in the core and strengthening them along with muscles in the...

Benefits of Aloe Vera- The Miracle Plant

Benefits of Aloe Vera- The Miracle Plant

Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that people have been using for its Health, Beauty, Medicinal, and Skin-care properties for centuries. The Miracle plant has two substances – Gel and Latex. The gel is a jelly-like substance found inside the leaf, and Latex is the...