Most of us are feeling overwhelmed by the outbreak of the latest bushfire, the COVID-19 pandemic. This unforeseen adversity cannot be avoided as it has now become the new common worldwide. It might seem strange to contemplate anything good coming out of this dark COVID cloud, but we have to be cautiously optimistic at this time. Although time is unfortunate, take it as an opportunity to bounce positively and shine a spotlight on your resilience. While most of us are homebound, we can easily assess and creatively pivot ourselves towards a life full of enthusiasm and mindfulness. Perhaps, it’s a great time to pause a little, recognize and renew your emotions and set a course for the coming life.
From the moment you decide to reset, your mind changes its perspective and creates thoughts to uplift your energy. Here are the domains you can hone to reprioritize, reintroduce, and possibly, re-invent your life. Many of these are simple, 5-minute things you can do, while some just “reconnect” you with who you presently are and what you want to be.
Learn something new: start a hobby, be creative, maybe cook your favorite meal.
Read: Reading is a boon for your mental health, stress reduction, and knowledge improvement. Read at least 5 mins a day.
Create a to-do list: One thing that has helped me a lot to organize myself is to create daily a to-do list. This helps me to figure out/ prioritize and track my professional, personal, and pleasure responsibilities.
Self-care: Create an inventory of self-care activities. Exercise (try yoga, Zumba, aerobics, HIIT, or any activity that you enjoy and is effective) eat mindfully, do a digital detox, meditate for spiritual renewal, and connect.

Be social: Call a long-lost friend, hug your child, pamper your pet.
Declutter your space, living, and emotional: Declutter your life from fallow things or something that you don’t use. Donate things that you no longer need. Learn to live with less. Clear out toxic people, negative thoughts that don’t deserve you.
Write a journal: Writing out your emotions is such a great thing to do. It helps to become a better thinker. Write things you are grateful for or just appreciate yourself and your environment. Or simply write whatever thoughts come into your mind.
Create a happiness playlist to revive and comfort your mood.
Enjoy the blooming nature with a cup of that tastiest coffee because you have all the time now.