We often hear people saying- Be Kind. Kindness is nothing but a deed, no matter how big or small, that brings a difference in the life of others. It is all about being generous and considerate towards others irrespective of whether that person is known or a stranger.
Kindness involves choosing love over hate and light over darkness. They say that any act of Kindness never gets wasted as “The fragrance always stays in the hand who gives the Rose.” An act of Kindness might not cost you anything but can really help and change the lives of someone in need.
What can be the acts of Kindness:
Many of us are not born with a silver spoon and helping each other in such pressing times gives you a sense of satisfaction, joy and makes the world a better place to live in. Our small act of kindness can add value to someone’s life. We can also practice kindness in our daily routine by the following:
- Gestures- Gestures are small random acts like-
- Give someone a smile or hug,
- Lend your ears to listen or Be someone’s confidant,
- Help someone carry a heavy load,
- Hold the door open for someone,
- Call a friend/ family for no reason but to check their well-being,
- Help a stranger in fixing a flat tyre,
- Help a visually impaired cross the road,
- Give up a parking space and park further,
- Help someone in getting the billing done prior to you in a store,
- Forgive someone,
- Offer to babysit for someone,
- Be polite to a sales representative on call,
- Recommend someone for job opening
- Teach someone for no fee/ favors
- Donate to Reuse – With people switching to ‘Use and Throw’ policy, an act of kindness can simply be following ‘Re-use or Re-cycle’ policy. This form of donation does not necessarily mean spending money to donate, but it involves donating the things you bought for yourself and are no more relevant to you because for you it might be one of the stuff, but for them it might be the only stuff they have. It can be any item that they can use for a better lifestyle. These may be:
- Old clothes,
- Old pair of shoes (in a condition that someone can re-use),
- Excess/ Leftover food,
- Old Books,
- Feed animals with water/ food,
- Donate blood
- Donation for Helping the Destitute- This form of kindness involves donation where you can afford to spare some money to help the ones in need and can be done by following ways:
- Buy someone food/ a cup of coffee,
- Tip someone more than you usually do,
- Make monetary donation to NGOs who provide shelter,
- Donate personal hygiene items,
- Sponsor a child’s education

What are the benefits of being Kind?
- Kindness is Contagious– It will come back to you some day in some form when you need it the most.
- Releases feel-good hormones– When you do good for others, it makes you feel better and turns out to be a natural remedy that eases anxiety.
- Sense of Satisfaction– It gives you Inner peace and Joy that improves your state of mind and makes you more productive.
- Prevents stress– It equips you to handle stressful situations, helps you get a sound sleep, and lead a healthy and happier life.
- Improves Relations– It is a language which Deaf can hear and Blind can see and therefore improves connections and relations between people and indirectly boosts your health.
To conclude this, Kindness is about being more compassionate than being judgmental and is fundamental to Human Existence. “In a World where we can be anything, Be Kind“ !!