10 Simple Ways To Build Your Self Esteem

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Mind

In today’s modern world, people are pressurized to look and feel in a certain way. This correlates with self-esteem.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is liking yourself.  It is a cognitive and emotional assessment of yourself.

 It is offering yourself value, dignity, and respect.  Positive self-esteem is believing in your ability to learn and achieve. It means that your ideas, feelings, and opinions have worth. 

In other words, it is how you value yourself and relate it to others.  It is also how others treat you. It is made up of all the things that define you as a person. Each of you forms a self-image based on your looks,  talents,  relationship status, and professional accomplishments.

Dimensions of self-esteem:

High self-esteem:

People with high self-esteem have a state of mind that lets them celebrate their strengths, challenges, and weaknesses and feel good about themselves.  They are self-critical. High self-esteem helps you to see beyond yourself. It helps you to feel confident about your place in the world.   It means holding yourself in positive regard. 

Characteristics of people with high self-esteem

  • They trust their judgment and capacity to solve problems.
  • They do not feel guilty if others do not approve, and they are ready to defend their principles.
  • They live in the present rather than worrying about the past or the future.
  • They consider themselves equal in dignity to others. 
  • They value friendships and relationships.
  • They depict less theory of value and enjoy different activities.
  • They promote a healthy lifestyle.

Low self-esteem:

People with low self-esteem lack confidence about who they are and their abilities.

They feel incompetent and inadequate. They are often afraid of making mistakes and letting other people down. 

3 ways to overcome lower self-esteem

Low self-esteem has adverse consequences.

  • It leads to depression, anxiety, and stress.
  • It causes problems in relationships,  friendships, and your professional life.
  • It causes high self-blame,  fear of failure, and inability to try new things.
  • It can allow you to be vulnerable to alcohol and drug abuse.

Here are a few suggestions to overcome low self-esteem.

1. Question your negative thinking patterns

Try to halt the thoughts which are illogical, unrealistic, and catastrophic. Do Not immediately believe every thought which you have. You may suddenly think about dysfunctional beliefs, which may cause you to behave in a certain way. Instead, Consider telling yourself a more positive story with facts and meaningful messages. 

2. Practice self-compassion.

Nurture yourself. Enjoy simple comforts such as having a cup of coffee in the morning,  taking time to relax, and listening to your favorite song. Experience emotions in a balanced way instead of being overwhelmed by them. Learn to manage your feelings more effectively and productively. 

3. Just ask for help.

Richest people whom you trust and get support from them.  Get the help which you require.  Share your thoughts and listen to others’  perspectives about you. If you have extreme and lower self-esteem, You can seek help from health professionals and counselors. 

Building self-esteem:

Building self-esteem is essential. When you love yourself, you strive for a better life. It is not easy to change the deep-rooted feeling that you have about yourself. But it is recommended by experts to go behind the negative thoughts about yourself and be positive to build high self-esteem.

Ten simple ways to build your self-esteem.

1. Be good to yourself.

Try to challenge the negative thoughts. Try to be kind to yourself. Take care of your body and mind. Try to exercise for at least 20 mins a day. Eat healthy and nutritious foods.

2. Do not compare yourself with others.

You will always feel bad if you start comparing yourself with others. Focus on your own goals and achievements. Do not measure those against someone else’s goals. 

3. Practice self talk

Think of yourself as a friend. Talk to yourself like how you talk to your friend. Be your inner critic.  It encourages you to see the bright side of yourself and curbs negative emotions.  It also helps you find joy in daily activities.

4. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes.

Know that perfection is an unrealistic goal.  Try to achieve the best version of yourself. Also, know that everybody makes mistakes. It is how everyone learns and grows. When you understand this, you can improve your self-esteem. 

Build self-esteem by being confident
Be Confident

5. Do what makes you happy.

Spend time doing the things that you enjoy. It will help you to think positively. Try to schedule a little time only to take care of yourself. Whether it is raining the book, cooking or playing a sport which makes you happy, make time for that.

6. Celebrate small things in life

When you celebrate small things and events in your life, you are acknowledging your worth. Small things bring joy to your life. Learn to live in the present rather than worrying about happiness in the future. 

7. Forgive yourself.

Accept whatever has happened and show compassion to yourself. You need to face what has happened and forgive yourself. It is also the most challenging step and boosts your self-worth and confidence. 

8. Avoid negative thoughts

Negative thinking contributes to anxiety and low self-esteem. Know your intention behind those thoughts. Alter your thinking to value yourself more. When negative thoughts arise, try to replace them with positive ones. 

build self-esteem by thinking positive
Thinking Positive

9. Take a break

It is harder to maintain your self-belief each and every minute of the day. Give yourself a break and try to feel good about yourself. It can boost your confidence and self-esteem when something is wrong or when you have a bad day. Just be kind to yourself. 

10. Take on challenges

Challenge your negative belief by accepting new and difficult situations. Accept challenging tasks. You need not do everything by yourself, but you can seek help from others as well.  When you Succeed in that, you will know what you can achieve. This improves self-esteem by challenging your negative beliefs.

In conclusion, just feel good about yourself. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and accept who you are. Boosting self-esteem can help you to feel more secure and valued. Remember that you are always worthy of something. Boost your confidence with Joyscore.

Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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