We all want to change at least one thing in our life. But finding the motivation to do so can be challenging. University of California’s research showed that a company’s motivated workers were 31% more proactive, contributed to 37% more revenue, and were 3 times more innovative than demotivated workers. According to a Corporate Leadership Council survey of over 50,000 individuals, they were also 87% less likely to resign earlier in the job.
When you have the motivation, everything seems feasible, but when it’s lacking, it’s tough to do even the simplest of things. It would be best to review both your strengths and weaknesses while looking for it and think more critically about how you can improve. A critical secret to success is self-awareness.

A study by Stanford psychologists shows that Americans are not motivated to think and act interdependently by appeals, and in fact, motivation diminishes by such messages. “American culture emphasizes independence and the desire for independence affects behavior,” says Maryam Hamedani, one of the study’s authors.
Researchers have found that if you want to motivate many Americans to think and act interdependently, it’s best to emphasize their independence. The findings also suggest that people’s psychologies can change with a cultural shift. If the American culture becomes more interdependent and begins to consistently promote the value and the positive consequences of emphasizing the “we” and not just the “me,” psyches will follow.
Setbacks are a part of everyday life, but developing resilience can help you carry on and pick up where you left off. Here are five ways to stay motivated:
- Regularly review your goals and progress and see if they are realistic in the timeframe you have set. A tremendous motivator in itself is seeing your progress and also strengthens your self-esteem. You may need to split your target into smaller and more realistic targets further down.
- Continue to define new priorities—dream about what next week, next month, and next year you want to accomplish. Tackle one purpose at a time, so you don’t feel stressed at all.
- Take motivation from others – feel motivated by reading a book, talking to your mentor or colleagues, or kith and kin who have accomplished similar goals to those you have set.
- Surround yourself with optimistic individuals. Your positive self-talk is strengthened by positive friends and family, which also helps control depression and anxiety symptoms.
- To boost your mental health, use exercise as one of your everyday goals.

Motivation makes things happen in Life
Where there’s no will, there’s no way. Mastering your inspiration and discovering your drive is one of the best ways to maximize your effectiveness. You can deal with life’s setbacks if you can master motivation and still encourage yourself to find a way forward, build new experiences for yourself, and pursue your progress.
Where to get help
If you are struggling for motivation, download Joyscore to boost your motivation level, and live a better life. It is a scientifically-backed app that gives you insights on living a healthy and content life.