Often it happens that we are so bogged down by everything that is happening in our lives, that we are unable to look at anything in a positive light. Everything seems wrong and out of place. We do not pay attention to the fact that we are more blessed than many others on the planet.
There are so many things we take for granted but other people dream of. So, during dark times, we should turn our focus towards these things that we should be grateful for. Instead of delving into the negative, we should focus on the positive aspects of our lives, be kind to other people and spread joy and love. Meditation and mindfulness help a great deal. Another way of doing this is by keeping a Grateful Journal.
Why Should I keep a Grateful Journal?
The benefits of the Grateful Journal have not been conjured out of thin air but have their roots in science. Research studies have been conducted that prove the relation between a grateful Journal and a healthy lifestyle. Following is a list of benefits associated with keeping a Grateful Journal:
· Health – It leads to better health and fitness. Good mental leads to good physical health. A person physically feels better while maintaining a Grateful Journal.
· Dealing with Stress – A Grateful Journal fills our mind with happy and cheerful thoughts and this helps in stress management. It also helps in dealing with issues like anxiety and depression.
· Sleeping Pattern – The sleeping cycle of a person gets corrected and he or she can go to sleep and wake up at appropriate times.
· Productivity – Positive mindset is directly related to a rise in productivity. The more cheerful a person is, the better they can perform their job.
· Mood Enhancer – Anytime you are feeling low, you can just revisit the journal to realize it’s not all bad.
· Personal Happiness – In order to maintain a Grateful Journal, you have to constantly think about joyful things on a regular basis. Thus, when we constantly making efforts towards things that we are grateful for, it is bound to create a wave of happiness inside us.

What to Write in the Grateful Journal?
Thinking positively does not come naturally to many people. They have to put in the effort and work on this aspect of their life. And having a Journal where you list down the things you are grateful for on a regular basis can help significantly.
Sometimes, people want to start a journal but they stop even before starting as they have trouble figuring out what exactly they should write in it. Following are some tips you can follow as to what to write in the Grateful Journal:
· Avoid General or Vague Things – Writing about general things like buying a new TV or a sunny morning would not turn out to be much meaningful. You have to focus on something specific, something that will stay with you. It should be something impactful so that whenever you re-read about it in the diary, it should evoke emotions out of you.
· Focus on the Details – Write a detailed account of the event, interaction, thing or the memory. Don’t only write what you observe, go deeper. Go into the finer details, notice what you like about that thing and write about how it makes you feel. Thus, when you read that memory months later, you will remember exactly why that moment, memory or thing holds a place in your journal.
· Starting Options – There might be times when you hit a brick wall and cannot figure out what to write. This can cause a fall in motivation. In those moments, you can think about your relationships, your family, your professional life, your friends, your goals and your hunger for success. You will surely find something to be grateful for among those categories.
How to Maintain a Journal?
Sometimes, the hard part is not to start something but to keep at it continuously. So, below are some tips that might be helpful to you in maintaining a Journal:
· Be Consistent – Consistency is the key to forming a great habit. Entries should be made in the journal regularly. The more consistent you become, the easier it gets.
· Revisit the Earlier Entries – Sometimes lack of motivation can make a person question themselves as to what is the purpose of this journal. At this moment, they should turn back the pages and read the old entries. This will remind them why they started the journal in the first place and why it is important to continue.
· Write at Night – It is difficult to just wake up every day and fill your journal with a new thing you are grateful for. So, night time is advised for writing as you can introspect and analyze the whole day and find something meaningful to write in the journal.
· Set Out Goals and Rewards – One way to keep yourself motivated to write in the Grateful Journal is by establishing goals. For example, set a target to make an entry in the journal every day for the next thirty days and on achieving that target, you will treat yourself to a delicious pizza or go out for a movie. The reward can be anything. It’s the achievement of the goal that will eventually be more satisfying to you.
So, in conclusion, everybody goes through bad phases in their life. But, at the end of the day, if you go home and write something positive in your Grateful Journal, it’ll surely help in lightening your mood.