by | Jul 21, 2024 | Uncategorized, Mind

Whether we talk about success at a personal or professional front, an optimistic approach is the key. Positivity is not only the calculation of how tactful we are in managing stressful situations but maintaining a positive attitude throughout is also important. A positive mindset gives a boost to one’s motivation; cultivates and nurtures a positive self-image and maintains a healthy body and mind. However, possessing a sunny outlook is not as simple as flipping a switch, it needs an individual’s consistent efforts.

Here are 6 ways to help you develop a positive attitude for your personal growth:


When one is aware of what is going inside them, it becomes easier to transform bad thoughts into good thoughts. A self aware person can engage in positive self talk which will help in reducing stress, promoting confidence,and fostering a mindset geared towards growth and success. from doing things that you often struggle to be positive about too. This will help you affirm your capabilities and nudge your inner dialogue in an uplifting direction for personal success. 


Mindfulness involves techniques to help one stay fully present in the moment without being overly reactive. It makes a person aware of what is going around them while not being internally affected. Take charge of our early mornings and engage in mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga and deep breathing to declutter your mind. This will lead to calmness and an improved mood to focus on personal growth.


This practice can quickly shift one’s attention from what’s lacking to abundance. Maintain a gratitude journal or use the notes feature in their phone to write about five things you are grateful for every morning. It can be anything, a place, a person or a memory you cherish. Research shows practicing gratitude increases our happiness and reduces depression in just a few weeks too. 


Interpersonal relationships affect one’s emotions and feelings. This is why it’s important to choose your company wisely. Putting too much effort towards a hopeless person or relationship that directly hampers one’s own personal growth and success, is not wise. Try and surround yourself with supportive, positive people to enjoy a more uplifting mindset. Optimistic people help boost our mood, shape our attitudes, provide encouragement and impart a sense of belonging. 


Eating healthy and exercising daily are indispensable habits to maintain a positive mindset and embrace personal growth. An active lifestyle stimulates the release of feel-good hormones and endorphins and serves as a stress reliever in any situation. For this, a short daily walk or playing your favourite sport will also help. Apart from physical activity, how someone fuels up their body is also important. Focus on eating a balanced diet and limiting junk food. Remember, good food leads to a good mind!

  1. Learn to say NO

Not letting others step over your boundaries is not rude. It is a part of the practice of self-care, which will further develop a positive mindset. Boundaries help manage stress and reduce the chances of being taken advantage of. They also foster self-respect and positive interactions. So, in totality, Setting healthy boundaries will help one become a master of a positive personality and will result in personal growth and success.

Learning about these techniques will foster a positive attitude in the workplace, personal life, and at home. 



Write down your daily, weekly, and monthly goals. This will provide a lot of motivation and determination as you work toward achieving your goals. Review your goals daily to keep your spirits high, as this will be helpful whenever you feel discouraged.


Consider joining an online course, reading a book, taking up a short internship or participating in a group discussion. We can always learn a new skill, and when we do, we often find our positive mindset continues as learning new things boosts confidence in ourselves.


One doesn’t need to wait for others to feel appreciated. You can reward yourself for even a small achievement. For example, you can go out for lunch at your favorite café after achieving a work goal. This kind of self-appreciation will boost your confidence and make you more productive, too.


Try to engage with people who enjoy their jobs rather than colleagues who love gossiping and complaining. However, at the workplace, it is not always possible to decide whom to interact with, so when you must be around negative people, try to encourage them to discuss constructive and positive topics. 


Over-exerting the nerves will exhibit no extra rewards. So, take short breaks while at work to prevent potential stress and negativity from clouding the brain. To ensure less of a heavy workload, complete more time-consuming tasks earlier in the day and leave easier ones after lunch. This will help you have more balance in your life, too.


If one wants to work effectively throughout the day, the previous night’s sleep plays a major role. Restful sleep allows a person to focus better at work and improves cognitive functioning. Most working professionals are recommended to take eight to nine hours of sleep each night. Don’t forget—sleep matters! 


As humans, our minds naturally lean toward a more negative mindset, but if we practice the techniques above and implement them into our lives, we can learn to be more positive. A positive mindset has endless benefits. It also leads to a healthy physical and mental state, as well as professional growth and success. So, if you want to be successful, work on being positive!

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  • Positive mindset


Q1   How do people around you affect your personal and professional success?

A1 Supportive and positive people help boost your mood, shape your attitude, provide encouragement and impart a sense of belonging. However, at the workplace, it is not always possible to decide whom to interact with. So, encourage negative thinkers to discuss topics that are constructive and positive. This will help you not take work as a burden but as a step towards achieving goals.

Q2   What are the healthy habits of an optimistic person?

A2   Eating healthy and exercising daily are the two indispensable habits to live with a positive mindset and embrace personal as well as professional growth. For this, a short daily walk or playing your favourite sport are two great things to do.
Also, if one wants to work effectively, the previous night’s sleep plays a major role. Restful sleep allows a person to focus better and improve cognitive functioning, leading to a more positive mindset.

Q3    How can appreciating yourself and others contribute to your professional success?

A3 Self-appreciation for even a small achievement you make will help boost your confidence and make you more productive. For example, you can go out for lunch at your favourite cafe after achieving a set goal. In this regard, practicing gratitude will also help lead to success. Maintain a gratitude journal and write down five things you are grateful for to remind you how to appreciate life.

Download the JoyScore app now from the App Store or Google Play.

Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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