5 Ways to Start Thinking Positively

by | Jun 9, 2022 | Mind

Ways to Start Thinking Positively

Becoming a positive thinker or an optimistic person is not everyone’s cup of tea. Especially not for people suffering from regular stress and constant negative emotions. Positive thinking demands extensive practice and a consistent positive outlook on life. 

But don’t worry, all hope is not lost. Having a positive outlook is a choice. Rather than thinking negative thoughts, you can choose to think positively, shed a more optimistic light on difficult situations, and choose to make choices throughout your day that reflect brighter ideas and activities

Moreover, With regular practice and some sure-fire ways, anyone can incorporate the habit of positive thinking into your life as well as into your mentality. Becoming a positive thinker happens when you commit to practices and activities that allow you to face challenging situations while maintaining a positive sense of self.

Positive thinkers don’t jam (this is awkward- change phrasing) all negative emotions or negative thoughts whenever they are experiencing stress, anxiety, or loneliness. Instead, they acknowledge they have the strength to overcome these thoughts and these moments of adversity.

Ways to Start Thinking Positively

Detach from Negative Thoughts or Information. 

To move far away from the negative emotions that are keeping you from achieving a positive outlook, one must need to eliminate and disengage from all the negative information and thoughts as much as one can. 

For instance, social media platforms are a great way to decompress. They provide plenty of benefits and connect us with a single click. However, these platforms can also affect your psychological health positively and negatively. 

Distressing news, cyberbullying, and social comparison can affect your ability to think positively and remain optimistic. Not only that, but prolonged exposure to social media platforms can also impact your self-esteem as well. Limiting your social media exposure) yourself from social media platforms will help you concentrate on the present and diminish negativity from your life.

Pay Attention to the Positive Things

More often than not, many people get stressed when they notice any of the bad things or any negative thing that happens to them. For example, they might get stressed when a car overtakes them in traffic or just from a burned toast in the morning. People who experience negative thoughts from these kinds of experiences are likely to have trained their brain to focus on the negative, and your brain has become remarkable (would use another word- awkward sentence )at it.

The only solution to this obstacle is simply focusing on the positive things instead of the negative. However, it might look like an easy thing to do. But, in reality, it is far from easy. One has to regularly practice paying attention to the positives, which is not a piece of cake (not easy)for a pessimist person. 

However, with continued practice, you can see a significant change in your thinking style, attitude, and mental health.

Sarcasm is Your Friend.

Always being optimistic and cheerful is not an easy task, especially when there is little humor or peace in your life. However, even when facing grim challenges, it is essential to remain open to laughter and even a little humor. 

Allow yourself to smile and laugh, more so than ever during difficult times. Seek humor in everyday incidents. When you can laugh at yourself and your circumstances, you feel less anxious and stressed.

Recognizing the potential humor in a stressful situation can often lower your stress and brighten your entire perception. You can see the problem with a fresh eye and with a different perspective

Moreover, finding out sources of humor like watching a funny sitcom, hanging out with your friends, or scrolling through hilarious memes online can help you be more optimistic and think more positive thoughts.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is another great way to teach your brain to focus more on the positive things in life. Regularly practicing gratitude has been shown to relieve stress symptoms, enhance self-esteem, and cultivate resilience even in trying and difficult times. Gratitude is when we feel or express thankfulness for the people, things, and experiences. 

Gratitude practice includes keeping a gratitude journal where you can regularly write about the everyday things in life that make you grateful. Many studies have concluded that writing down the things you’re thankful for can increase your positiveness and sense of well-being. 

Try to think of the good that happened to you throughout the day. It can be anything from an appraisal from your boss to as simple as someone holding the door open for you. 

Follow a Healthy Lifestyle. 

There is something about physical activities such as exercising that shoots(choose a different adjective) all the negativity out of your body and lets you see the world with more optimism. In fact, studies have also shown that working out and exercising can even reduce the levels of anxiety and clinical depression. 

To achieve optimism and positive thinking, try to exercise at least 30 minutes every day or at least five days a week. You can also break your regular exercises up into 5 to 10-minute slots spread out throughout the day. Working out can also affect your mood and positively reduce stress. 

It is often said that food is the way to your heart. So, another thing you can do to have a positive mindset is to adopt a healthy diet that will fuel your mind and body. Moreover, getting proper sleep, socializing with others, and meditating are also some other techniques to manage stress.

Start the Day with Positive Thoughts

It goes without saying that the best way to start your day is with a little positive affirmation. Every morning, make it a ritual to start off your day with something uplifting and positive.

Maybe it could be a self-motivation like “I will do my best today” or could be something uplifting such as “today will be a good day”. Another way to jumpstart your day with positivity is to listen to some upbeat songs. Songs can be a good mood lifter and a great way to start your day

Final thoughts 

Learning how to think positively is not an overnight process. It is something that requires rigorous regular practice. But, if you stick to the methods mentioned above, you will find yourself in a different mindset and achieve that “glass half full” mentality.

Evaluating your own thinking habits and figuring out new ways to embody a more positive perspective into your life can be a wonderful start toward adopting a more positive thinking approach.

We hope that these ways to start thinking positively will positively impact your life and guide you towards a brighter and peaceful future. So, if you like to dive more into positive thoughts or other methods to achieve calm, download our app or visit the Joyscore website now!

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Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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