10 benefits of meditation: meditation tips and tricks

by | Dec 19, 2021 | Life

At the core of all of us, we all seek one thing in common. It is the burning urge to be happy, blissful and satisfied in life. Men, women, and even crying infants seek comfort and peace for themselves. 

For several years, it has been well-known that meditation is the answer to a stressful life and an anxious mind. The benefits of meditation are becoming a trending topic in the general public. Furthermore, as the number of studies increases, the scientific benefits of meditation are now also beginning to be understood.

However, in this hectic lifestyle, taking time for self-care and meditation is like a concept from a science fiction movie. It often feels like there is not enough time to get things done. We barely find enough time to complete our chores and errands, let alone to unwind and take a second for ourselves.

With that being said, it is vital to take some time and breathe despite our always-moving lifestyle. Regular meditation practice can lead to long-term benefits of meditation and short-term benefits of meditation. This article will talk about the importance of meditation and different tips for meditation you can use.

Benefits of meditation

Improved sleep

Disrupted sleep can drain all the energy out of you and leave you all exhausted. The continuous cycle of insufficient sleep can lead to several long-term damages. Ensuring a “good night’s sleep” is crucial for maintaining productivity at work, and meditation can be the solution to this problem.

There are numerous mental benefits of meditation, and better sleep is one of the many. Many recent studies have confirmed that meditation helps patients with insomnia and other sleep disorders. It is one of the most admired long-term benefits of meditation as most people have insomnia at some point. 

Although whether night meditation is better for insomnia or day meditation is still a topic of debate. However, one thing is certain that meditation and better sleep are directly related. 

Better immune system

Just like its psychological benefits, there are also an array of physical benefits of meditation. Practicing meditation boosts the immune system, regulates hormonal discharge, and decreases cellular inflammation in the body. Moreover, studies have also revealed that people who meditate regularly have a higher number of antibodies and produce these antibodies more rapidly than those who don’t.

It means that your body will fight off diseases better and quickly and make your overall physical health strong. 

Increase alertness and focus

You might have noticed how people feel spaced out and unfocused when not getting enough sleep. Alertness and focused attention are essential factors that help us get things done effectively and efficiently. Lack of these components can cause distraction and mistakes and ultimately leads to diminished productivity at work.

Scientific studies have shown meditation by controlling the alpha waves in the brain that are directly associated with our sense organs and respond to external stimulations.

1 Minute Meditation

Ability to fight addiction

Substance abuse is a big problem in our society, and overcoming it requires focus, commitment, and sheer will. Meditation helps overcome the barrier of dry dependence by increasing your awareness and self-control of triggers for addictive behaviors. Patients who practice meditation daily show less craving towards drugs and seem to have fewer withdrawal symptoms.

Moreover, they often generate better self-awareness and self-care and bounce back to their normal state than non-meditating patients. 

Reduce stress

Managing stress is the most common catalyst for people to try meditation in the first place. Unexpected encounters with negative situations lead to stress, burnout, and hypertension. Stress can give birth to more dire mental problems such as insomnia, anxiety, and even depression if not taken care of. Practicingbehaviorsn allows you to tame your mind to survive the crisis successfully.

Manage anxiety

Anxiety has been a significant problem for everyone and can cause several adverse effects on the mind and the body.  Meditation can reduce stress levels making people less prone to anxiety. Whether it is anxiety disorders, panic attacks, or other emotional imbalances, meditation helps tackle them all.

Helps in chronic pain

According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), meditation not only helps reduce chronic pain but also increases the individual’s pain tolerance. While meditators experience the same amount of pain like others, studies have shown that meditation helps change their perception of pain, thus providing relief.

benefits of meditation
Increases Gratitude and Kindness

Controls blood pressure

As stress is a significant element of bad blood pressure, meditation helps facilitate optimal blood pressure levels by keeping your mental stress in check. Not only that, by preventing irregular blood pressure levels, meditation also diminishes the chance of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

Prevents age-related memory loss

Meditation techniques like Kirtan Kriya are mainly famous for sharpening the mind and preventing memory loss from old age. By enabling better attention, concentration, and focus, meditation helps keep your mind young and reduces the chances of age-related memory loss and memory retention problems.

Increases gratitude and kindness

Meditation is a great way to increase the feeling of kindness and gratitude within ourselves. When we meditate, we discard our ego, anger, and self-doubt. Meditation connects us with our surroundings and creates a sense of euphoria and peace. Thus, making us more giving and kinder towards others.

Some tips and tricks for meditation

Start small – It is not carved in stone to jump in with hours-long meditation sessions. You can start with small 2 minute sessions and increase the time gradually.

Try morning meditation – To make meditation a regular habit, try meditating first thing day in the morning. It makes you more fresh and active throughout the day.

Count your breaths – If you are not aware of different meditation techniques, sit down, settle in, and count your breaths slowly. Focus on inhaling and exhaling, and follow it through your nose down to your lungs.

Allow your mind to wander – Don’t try to force your mind to concentrate. Give your mind a chance to run wild for some time and try to come back to the present and start again.

Try meditation apps – Today, you cannot have a meditation guru with you every time you meditate. Instead, you can try guided meditation apps to help you in the meditation journey. You can check out our Joyscore app for guided meditation sessions.  

Final thoughts

Meditation has been in existence for thousands of years, and through various scientific studies, we are still unraveling the exemplary benefits that this ancient technique holds. It is undoubtedly one of the best ways to calm storms in our minds and dissolve any doubts or negativity. 

However, it’s essential to acquire clear, progressive, and authentic meditation methods from trustworthy guides. Joyscore app features an array of different meditation methods and techniques that you can use for successful meditation sessions.

Dr. Bob Singhal

Professor Bhupendra 'Bob' Singhal, has taught creativity by joy and right-brain thinking, is a renowned international architect, won major design competitions, has over 70 awards, publications, and media mentions, and served as President of the American Institute of Architects South Bay. In 2011, in his book Joy in Health and Happiness: Your Optimal Path to Success, Professor Singhal wrote about the transformative power of joy and helped readers learn to enhance their daily experience of it.


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