Joy, A Cure for Negative Thoughts

Joy, A Cure for Negative Thoughts

Thousands of years of evolution have taught that human needs are identical. We need security, support, relationships, joy, attitude, and something useful to do with our time. That's true of any person. When you understand that simple fact about life, it forces you to...

Empowering Self

Empowering Self

Everyone wants to be happy in life. That means working according to your passion, being financially secure, being healthy, and having ample free time to pursue your interests. I'm satisfied with my current state of affairs, and so thus far, mission accomplished....

Disconnect to Connect- Social Media Detoxification

Disconnect to Connect- Social Media Detoxification

Do you try to reach out for your phone to check the notifications as soon as you wake up? When you go out for a vacation, are you more concerned about capturing that one perfect picture for Instagram than enjoying it? Do you check your phone just before you are off to...

Laughter is No Laughing Matter!

Laughter is No Laughing Matter!

How wonderful is it that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain Joy!  Laughter is an instant vacation. Don't you love people who make you laugh? I do! I honestly think that it is the thing that I like the most - to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills...

Wisdom That Will Change The Way You Work

Wisdom That Will Change The Way You Work

Wisdom is not a result of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool than to talk and remove doubt.  Derivation of the Word Wisdom Many ancient cultures recognized a particular way of being,...

Effective Ways to Control Your Anger Before it Controls You

Effective Ways to Control Your Anger Before it Controls You

What is Anger? Why do we feel Angry? Have these questions ever crossed your mind? Anger is an intense emotion that is triggered when you feel frustrated or annoyed by something or someone. An angry person experiences signs like increased heart rate/ increased blood...

I’m Worthy of Love

I’m Worthy of Love

Self-esteem mirrors your opinion of yourself – how you perceive your abilities, shortcomings, and your own worth. In simple words, it reflects how much you appreciate and like being yourself. There is a reason why Self-esteem, Self-respect, Self-love start with the...

Simple Ways To Handle Stress

Simple Ways To Handle Stress

You are your best doctor when it comes to detecting and curing stress. It’s a kind of illness that is not visible. Stress is an instinctive and natural character of the human cycle. One can go through stress from your surroundings, your physical structure, and your...



The nature of people determines the quality of their life which indeed is a reflection of their mind and thoughts. To classify yourself as an Optimist or Pessimist, it is important to understand- Whether you see the glass as half empty or half full? How do you...



A human brain is not the most effective memory tool and it only agrees with the arrangements that it knows works. I as a person might forget stuff. It's inevitable. The older and busier we get, the easier it is to forget important things. Sometimes we are surrounded...