5 Types Of Meditations And Steps To Practice Them

5 Types Of Meditations And Steps To Practice Them

Do you frequently feel overwrought, burned out, or just flat-out tired for most of your day? Or, you might often be experiencing a burden you just can’t shake off? These problems associated with stress and anxiety are becoming so common that we always know 2 or 3...

10 benefits of meditation: meditation tips and tricks

10 benefits of meditation: meditation tips and tricks

At the core of all of us, we all seek one thing in common. It is the burning urge to be happy, blissful and satisfied in life. Men, women, and even crying infants seek comfort and peace for themselves.  For several years, it has been well-known that meditation is...

5 Awesome Benefits Of A Gratitude Journal

5 Awesome Benefits Of A Gratitude Journal

Being grateful for all you have will change your perspective on life and improve your relationships with those around you. It will also help those around you feel appreciated and acknowledged and will receive more from others. Studies have found that those who...